Please don't burn me at the stake

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Okay okay, before you guys get mad, I'm working on the next chapter okay? I just wanted to tell you guys a couple things. First off being that this book is probably going to end in the next few chapters. By few I mean like under ten. I know, I know, I don't want it to end either but it's almost finished so I wanted to ask you guys. Is there anything you want to see in this story before it comes to an end? Or anything you want me to do? I'm open to any suggestions but yeah...the end is drawing near. I'm sorry guys, I just looked at my story plan and went "oh's almost finished I've just got another character to introduce and some violence to ensue and then let the readers pick their favourite guy" and so I just thought I'd tell you guys what's going on and you know, if there's anything you want to happen. Big or small, please tell me in the comments or in private messenger or like, anywhere and tell me what you want to see. Until the next chapter, bye bye.

Laughing Jack X reader X Jason the toymakerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora