Part 8

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     It sounded really close like it was in the same room, so he hopped out not thinking to dry off.   Soon as he stepped out Demon fell straight to the floor. "THUMP!"

He hit his head and fell unconscious.   No one was there to help him, but Larina and she was fast asleep.   Well at least last we checked,  there's still that noise Demon heard that he never got the chance to check on.  

    About two hours went by and Demon was still laying in the same spot.  He got up slowly and snatched the towel off the rack being careful not to fall again.   He walked over and looked for a mirror to make sure his head wasn't bleeding, but none in sight.  That bothered him because he thought to his self,

"What woman as beautiful as her doesn't have a mirror in her bathroom?" 

He just started really getting anxious to leave because this once beautiful house had became like a scene in a horror movie.   Hearing strange noises,  weird things noticed about the design of the house and the disappearance of Larina her self.  Demon had enough he went back upstairs and headed to her room to see if he can find a note or something to give him a clue of her where abouts.   Also he needed to get his clothes, phone and car keys.   He grabbed all his stuff and said out loud,  "Fuck where is she?  Nevermind, I'm out of here."  He jetted down the stairs heading towards the door.  

"Damn that shit was good.", he thought to himself before opening the door.

Despite the weird things going on he couldn't stop thinking about the extraordinary night he had with Larina.  Once Demon got the door opened he noticed the sun about set and it was beautiful outside.

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