Part 16

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     Demon was stuck between three worlds fantasy, reality, and what appears to be another dimension.  Larina felt so helpless watching him suffer, but she felt like her loving him was out of her control.  She never intended to meet anyone other than a midnight snack that night at her club.  She had so many thoughts whirling around in her head, but she had to get some sleep.

    Once they both woke later they seemed to share the same face of concern and uncertainty.  Funny thing about destiny is it seems to sneak up on you and be impossible to run from.  Demon panicked and decided this time was better than any.  So he grabbed a piece of wood that had split from the board right beside them.  He didn't hesitate he put it straight through her chest.  Larina fell to the floor and so did Demon. 

"Ha ha ha",  Larina evilly laughed.  "So you thought you had it all figured out, huh?  You thought this was some Hollywood  show down.  Well honey sorry what's meant to be can not be broken.", Larina continued.

Demon screamed out, "Larina I will not stand here and accept that it's our destiny bull shit. There's something you're clearly hiding.  So tell it all now!", demands Demon. 

    However, Larina sat there and looked at him in complete silence. 

"You owe me that much you ol' conniving witch.", Demon said.

"Fine you want to know what's happening to you and why we are here at this moment?  Are you sure you're ready? Well, you may need to fasten your seat belt and really open your mind to this journey.", Larina started. 

"Larina just get on with it.", Demon rushed.
"What's the rush baby?  We have forever.", sarcastically said Larina.  "See that night you met me at the club was no accident it truly was destined to be.", she continues.

"Forget all that.  Tell me what you are and what I've become.", rushes Demon. 

"How about I show you I have always been a woman of action.", she suggested.

"No no no! I'm not going for those Jedi mind tricks this time.  You're gonna sit right here and talk.", he demanded. 

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