0.7: Back

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"Where do you want to go? Do you want to go to the tutorial center? I'm sure Nara wants to see you." Seungcheol asked you.

You kept blinking your eyes. You're too nervous. You gave him a chance, but you're afraid it would work. You can't leave Wonwoo alone. You need to stay with him no matter what.

"Who is Nara?"
"She works with. She's your friend too. You don't remember her either?"

He didn't reply so you had to look at him. He's searching for a specific phone number on his phone. When he found it, he called it. He started talking to someone in Hangeul. When the call ended, he smiled at you.

"I know where we should go."
"To where it all started." He said excitedly.
"Just wait."

He started driving. You didn't ask any further before you know it's dangerous. He's dangerous. The more you talk to him, the faster your heart beats.

You waited until he stopped in a parking lot. You looked around wondering where he brought you. It's familiar. You were too lost in figuring out what this place is that he had to open the car door for you to get back to your senses.

"We're here, where we started." He said smiling as he offered his hand to you.
You ignored it and step out on your own. "Where are we?"
"You'll see." He took your hand and started leading you somewhere.

You're too distracted to stop him. Your heart is beating too fast you had to bite your lip. It hurts, but it feels good. This feeling, something only he can make you feel. It's dangerous.

You continued walking. Soon you're surrounded by clothes on display. You looked at the different designs and colors. You smiled subconsciously until you saw a fitting room. Your heart skipped a beat. He smiled seeing you holding your breath.

"You remember?" He asked you.

You shook your head turning away from him so he won't see your tears. He sighed and led you into the fitting room.

"Yah! What are you doing?!" You asked him as he pushed you gently into the fitting room.
"I'm trying to get my wife back." He said before locking the door behind him.

Now, you're back in the same place where it all started.

Come Back to me, My Mrs. Choi (S.coupsXReader)Where stories live. Discover now