2.1: Out with Seungmin

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"Do you have anything else to buy?" Seungmin asked you.
"Nothing else. Go now. I can go home on my own." You told him.
"Ani. You lost your memory, right?! Also, your Korean is still rubbish." He said joking.
"Mwo?!" You said making him laugh.
"I said your Korean is rubbish!"
"It's not!"
"If you hate hearing my criticism, just let me come with you, and also carry this for you." He said taking the grocery bag from you.
"My brother isn't being a good husband to you right now. Does he even know you're out here buying things for the house instead of resting?! Also, you're not with your nurse! I take full responsibility of my brother's incapability to take good care of you." He said.
"I don't like being treated like I'm ill. I'm fine."
"Tsk. We know you're fine. My brother is just worried about your health ever since you lost consciousness. He thought he'd lose you again you know."

You looked around. You see people happily chatting with each other. Some children are playing in the playground. They are men and women eating in the restaurants. Do they know you're Seungcheol's wife? It's funny how someone like you became known because you went missing. Carats still don't know you're found now. Do they even know how you look like? If they do, they're probably thinking "What the hell happened here?! What kind of sorcery?!" because, unlike what Seungcheol always say, you're not the prettiest Carat (accept it).

"Ms. Yoo!" You shouted seeing the doctor.
She turned and saw you immediately. "Y/N-ah," She said smiling.

You ran to her. She's sitting outside a coffeeshop when you saw her. You ran to her leaving Seungmin. He ran after you ofcourse. You're happy to see the person who told you the truth. She looked at Seungmin before smiling at you again.

"He isn't your husband." She said.
You laughed at her. "He's my husband's brother."
"A-ah! Mianhae. I didn't know." She said.
"Yeppeuda." Seungmin whispered, but both of you heard it. And, he's staring at Ms. Yoo.
"What did you say, oppa?" You asked him teasingly.
"M-mwo?! I didn't say anything! I said I'm hungry. Aigoo!~ Do you want to eat? I'm so hungry I would treat you both so you'll eat with me!" He said making you laugh.

He likes Ms. Yoo. You know just by the way he looks at her. The three of you went to a nearby restaurant and ate.

"So, you're not going to do it, Y/N-ah?" She asked you as you ate.
You gulped not knowing what to say at all. "Well,"
"What are you planning to do, Y/N-ah?" Seungmin asked you.
"You don't know? Your brother didn't tell you?" Ms. Yoo asked him.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"I'm asking for divorce." You said while looking away.
"MWO?! Y/N-ah!" He said getting up from his seat.

You looked down to avoid his eyes. You know what he's thinking. He can't believe you would do that. You remember Seungmin a bit, so you know what this means to him. Ofcourse he's sad. If their father finds out, you know he won't forgive you.

"Gaja!" He said grabbing your wrist.
"Eodi?" You asked him. You look at him and you know he's angry.
"We need to talk."
"We'll be back, Ms. Yoo." You told her before following Seungmin.

Seungmin took you to the hallway that leads to the toilet. You know how he feels. He loves his brother so much.

"Did you forget what you told me too? You said you'll take good care of him!" He told you spitting the words like it's poison.
"When are you planning to tell our father?! Do you think this is the best thing to do?! Do you even know what this is?! Y/N-ah, you're killing my brother slowly! I told you he's fragile!" He almost shouted.

You leaned against the wall. You feel dizzy again. Everything looks blurry. You find it hard to breathe. You see Seungmin. You reached out for him.

If you don't love him anymore, please let go slowly.

It's back.

He's gone through so much heartbreaks already.

The memories. Your memory.

He welcomes people into his life, but after all the loss, he grew scared of being left behind. He doesn't want to be away from the people he loves. Who does anyway, right?

Everything that Seungmin said that night.

Be gentle with him. He may seem strong, but that kid is so fragile.

You remember it. Even Kira. You remember, but... You grabbed his arm to prevent yourself from falling.

"Y/N-ah! Are you okay?"
"Oppa, I'm sorry. I love your brother. I love Seungcheol, that idiot."

And yet again, you fainted.

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