2.2: Dr. Yoo

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"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Choi." The doctor told me.
"How is my wife?"
She smiled. "Why are you so worried?"
"Ofcourse I'm worried! She's my wife! And, she's-" I looked away.

I still can't forget what that monster said. It's my child. Not yours. We did it. We did it many times. I'm the father, and Y/N is mine. It's not impossible. I wasn't able to protect her. Now, he can steal her from me if it's true.

"So you know already? About her pregnancy?" Dr. Yoo asked me.
"You know?"
"Ofcourse. I'm a doctor. I should know my patient's condition." She said laughing at me.
"What are you so worried about? You don't want to take the responsibility? Because it might ruin your career?" She asked me. Does she really think I'm like that?
"Ani. I don't know if I'm the father."

She laughed at me. Her laughter sounds different. Like she's mocking me. Like she's mad at me. Like she doesn't believe me. It drives me crazy. I just want to be with Y/N and make her happy. That would definitely make me the happiest man on earth. Why won't the world let us be?

"Ofcourse you're the father!"
"No. You don't und-"
"I know. You're thinking it's Wonwoo." She said making me look at her. How?
"How did you..."
"Wonwoo brought her to me one time when she fainted too. I knew back then that she's pregnant. I told her the truth because I think she needs to get back to the real father, not stay with the liar who gave me money to hide the truth from her. I didn't know idols like you earn that much." She said.
"Are you telling me..."
"What I'm telling you is that you need to win her back if you really love her. If not, just tell her. It would hurt her less than pretending."
"I love my wife."
"Then prove it."

I nodded and walked to the room where Y/N is. Before I could open the door, I realized something. I walked back and stared at her. I waited until she looked back at me.

"How did you know it's not Wonwoo?"
"The baby is more than two months old. It is very impossible for Wonwoo to be the father because the kidnapping happen not more than 6 weeks ago, right?"
"I see."
"Unless what?"
"Unless something happened to them before the kidnapping."

I remember every word he said.

One night, I went to the apartment unit you bought following you, and kissed her after you left. The end. It's a happy ending because she kissed me back and we enjoyed the night especially because you didn't know I was there.

I want to die. Maybe she already loved him back then. She has been loving him even before what happened. Maybe she's glad to forget everything about me. But, I want to believe she loves me. But, I can't stay believing in it if it's just something I tell myself for my happiness. I want her to be happy even if it doesn't include me.

"Oppa, Y/N may have forgotten a lot, but her heart will never forget. And if she listens to her heart, I know she would know it's still you."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because it happened to me before. Don't give up on this. Love is a war and will always be. If you want to win, you should stop thinking of giving up. I see myself in Y/N. I don't want her to lose her child too after losing the man she loves."
"You lost your child?"

She's looking out the window. She's reminiscing. I decided to just leave her that way. I walked to the door. I stopped before opening it.

"I'm sorry, and thank you." I said before leaving Dr. Yoo in her office.



I'm gonna take a break for now. School is trying to separate me and Kpop again. But, don't worry. I'll be back before this weekend. Maybe I'll publish again tomorrow. I'm not sure. But, I'm sure I'll be waiting for the mixtape. SEVENTEEN'S MIXTAPE! OMONA!~ I may die when I hear it.

Also, I decided to put whose POV is being used in every chapter so you won't get confused. The format will be like in this chapter:

♢*whose POV*♢

Thank you! Take care!

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