Part 2 - The Meeting

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You thanked the friendly cashier lady and went outside, only to discover that it was raining. It was a bit disgusting to put the smelling piece of clothing on, but you didn't buy it for nothing, so why not use it when you need it?

Maybe it isn't even the smell of blood, you tried to reassure yourself. Maybe it was just washed with some sort of chemical. It just had to be anything but blood.

But your naivity would soon turn your world upside down.


You pulled the hood over your head and rushed through the empty streets, wanting to be home as soon as possible.


You abruptly stopped in your tracks and turned around, but there was nobody in sight. Didn't you just hear something?

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, you held your breath for a few seconds to listen again, but the heavy raindrops around you blocked your sense of hearing.

Then, there was something again. A dull sound, followed by a loud, slapping thud. Something - no, somebody - fell, you were sure of that.
Maybe they needed your help, what if it was an elder person?

Your body acted on it's own and without wasting more time, you ran into the direction the sounds came from.

Curiosity killed the cat.

And then you froze.
Right as you turned around a corner to a small alley, you saw something you were sure you never wanted to see.

An almost lifeless body laying on the ground, color-less puddles of water merging with deep red blood, three people standing nearby.

And then, a pair of black eyes met yours.

You had no words to describe the look the man was giving you. But if you had to do it, it would be piercing.
Piercing every cell of your body, leaving you unable to move and trembling of fear.

His eyes went up and down your body, followed by a malicious grin that was so wide, it looked like it would tear his face apart.

But even more terrifying than his eyes was his voice and way of talking.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in."

Then, a smaller woman spoke.

"Is it him?"

She then was hit by the man and fell down, obviously bleeding, but not that much. You wouldn't pity her anyways after what she did to the poor man. He looked homeless, causing a part of your fear to be replaced with anger and hatred.

"Of course, slut."

"Don't talk to my bitch like that." The third man hissed, but the first one just ignored him.

"He's even dumber than I thought. Still wearing his pathetic little jacket."

He took a few steps into your direction, making you back up a little.

"He even disguised himself as a woman!"

What the hell was he even talking about? He was obviously mistaking you for somebody else, so you decided to speak.

"I..I don't know what you're talking about. I bought-"
Your mouth came to a halt as your jaw was being pressed against the rest of your skull. The metal bat that he placed under your chin was soon pulled away, but you nevertheless didn't dare to talk anymore.

"Even your voice... but you weakling can't fool me."
He turned his head to the other ones.

"Get the fuck out of my sight, that little bastard is mine."

The other two left and you stared of them, but the man grabbed you by your color and pushed you to the floor, forcing you to kneel in front of him.

You felt the hood being dragged off your head and closed your eyes as he undid the zipper. Please, no...

Fortunately, he didn't intend on doing what you feared he would do.

He instead exposed your left shoulder, looking for something.

"Why isn't it here, I'm sure that's the spot... you removed it, didn't you, you little shit?!" He hissed and lifted your hair up to take a look at your neck.

Then, a slap and a stinging pain in your cheek followed.

"He should finally understand to never underestimate us. You can't trick me."

He then kneeled down to your level, looking you dead in the eye.

You couldn't take it, so you gathered all the courage you had left, took a deep breath and spit right in his face.

His hands started to tremble with anger and he stood up, wiping the fluid off and turning around.

Your eyes wandered around his body. A crazy hairstyle, a red bandana, black leather jacket and... a tail?
Who... no, What the hell was he?

But you didn't have to know his race to know how pissed off he was, judging by the stiffness and movements of his tail.

"Bardock." You heard him say through gritted teeth.


He then turned around, showing off his fangs in a big grin again.

"I never told you my name. I think you deserve to know who killed you."

Before you could react, your head was being pushed down and right into the blood of the other body beside you.

You then heard footsteps moving away from you slowly, which gave you a little hope. Here was your chance to escape, so you lifted your body up.

"Hm..", he snickered, "Naive."

The last thing you saw was him taking a big swing with his bat. You couldn't realize much more before he knocked you out cold.

 Blame [Gang Member!Bardock x Reader AU]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz