Part 6 - Lies

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*Normal POV*

You opened the car door, got in and immediately turned around to search the backseat for any unbidden guests.

"Damn, girl, what's up with you? Did something happen?" Caffey laughed beside you and started the car.

She dared to laugh in a situation like this? Oh, if she only knew. The problem is... you had a feeling she might have actually known this.

"Are you kidding me?" you exhaled, trying to stay calm. "This is the problem!"

You decided to show her the bottle of pills first, but that was enough. It needed only a glimpse for her to realize what they were, but she tried to keep up her bad acting.

"Oh, pain killers? Is your headache that bad?"

"Caffey, stop or I'll seriously get a fit and beat the answer out of you, if that's what it takes. You know that these probably won't just kill the pain. I've seen your look, what are they?"

"They're bad."

"I'm not a 5 year old, I know they're bad. What are they and how do you know?"

She sighed as if she wanted to get all of the air out of her body and stepped on the brake.

"We're here."

You were so fixed on the argument that you didn't notice how long you were driving, but you wouldn't give up so easily.

"And? That wasn't the answer I was looking for, try again."


And that was it. The way she looked at you and the tone of her voice, all terrified and frantic, made you stop and choke on the words you were going to say.

"Don't ask me. I'm sorry for what happened, okay? I didn't know and certainly didn't want this, but just let it go. If I told you, you would be in a much bigger danger than you are now. I understand if you can't deal with that and I'll leave you alone if that's what you want."

"But I don't..."

The sound of another car driving past you made her jolt up, she was on guard.

"Promise me that you'll hide the pills and whatever weapon they gave you. Don't let anybody see it and if someone tries to harm you, use them. Now go and get some rest."

She then dismissed you and drove off, leaving you in a trance-like state, completely unable to process all the information.

The thoughts rushed through your head, but you just couldn't get a hold of them. This was so unreal, it was like a nightmare you couldn't wake up from. Your best friend, a criminal? Or was it something different?

"Hey, be careful!" Someone shouted from behind you and grabbed your arm.

You looked at the muscular hand and then directly into a pair of warm, dark eyes, slowly coming back to the reality.

"Oh, hi Goku."

He dragged you to the sidewalk in front of your house and held you by your shoulders.

"Why were you standing in the middle of the road?"

"That's nice of you, but I'm fine, I can care for myself." You tried to shrug it off and looked away, it was embarassing.

"For you it might be fine. But if you knew how many dead or heavily injured people I had to scrape off this road, then you would understand why I don't want to see that again."

He was laughing, but you didn't want to imagine what these eyes had to see already, yet they beamed at you, making you smile a bit.

"I understand. Thank you, Goku. How can I show you my gratitude?"

"Do you have any good food?"

You laughed at how blunt this man was and invited him in. Right as you wanted to put your jacket away in front of him, you remebered your friend's words.
Don't let anybody see it. At all costs.

"Uhm... I need to go to the bathroom, you can wait in the kitchen. It's the second room on the left."

You quickly did what you told him and locked the door, thinking about a good place to hide the problematic items at. Your bedroom, he wouldn't go in there anyway, would he?

The bath was fortunately connected to it and you quickly got rid of it and the jacket without your visitor noticing. You used the situation to slip into a fresh set of clothes, nothing too fancy, and joined him in the kitchen.

While you prepared the food, you decided to get to know this man better.

"So, what where you doing here? I hope not stalking me."

You both shared a giggle and he shook his head.

"I was visiting a friend, he's a police officer. He told me this part of the city is very bad, lots of murders and stuff happened over the last weeks."

Oh yeah, maybe because strange alien gangs did what the hell they want right in front of your door?
But you couldn't tell Goku, no matter how much you wanted this to end. This was far from over.

"I didn't expect to see you again, to be honest."

"Neither did I, but it seems as you wanted it. You wanted to be saved again, admit it."

You rolled your eyes at his cocky grin.

"Or maybe you just wanted to get your hands on my excellent food and therefore pretended to help me when I didn't need it at all."


Even though you acted like a bitch most of the evening (who could blame you though), he managed to cheer you up and turn your bitter expression into a smile again.


"I really have to go now, it's late." Goku said and yawned to emphasize his words, but you didn't want to let him go just yet. But on the other side, you couldn't tell him you were scared.

"Already? But it's 11 pm!"

"I have to get home, too. But we can meet again, that's the reason I gave you my number after all."

That was the only good thing. Maybe a message would also be enough to distract you.

He hugged you lightly after he left and looked into your eyes one last time.

"Get well soon, it was nice to meet you again. If you feel bad or need anything, just text me."

And then he left with a smile, taking yours with him as well. You dragged your feet to your bathroom, already anxious. This was going to be a long night.

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