Part 10 - From Friends to Strangers

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"Speak up, Caf. I'm sick of being worried about you."

"How do I start... I think it's best when I don't beat around the bush. I was a part of a gang."

"What... when?!"

"During the two years you were gone. And I was someone important in their hierarchy, to say the least."

This sounded just so unbelievable to you, you couldn't contain your laughter. Caffey, your childhood friend who couldn't harm a fly, was a gang member? No way.

"You're funny. Did you just tell me the description of one of my books or what?"

"Stop laughing, I'm dead serious!" She shouted back, banging her hand on the table.

"Whoa, it's alright, calm down! But seriously, I'm moving to another city for two years and you use this time to become a criminal?"

"I told you about my boyfriend. He was in it, so I was too."

"Yeah you did, but you never told me about his job."

"Because I couldn't risk his life and I didn't want you to get involved. Do you even know how dangerous this would have been for all of us?"

"I can imagine by now." You smiled back sweetly, the poisonous thought that your friend was turning more and more into a stranger slowly creeping into your mind, but you tried your best to just swallow your anger and uneasiness for now.

"I swear, I didn't want you to even know about gangs, let alone get threatened by them."

"How did you get away from them?"

"It certainly wasn't easy. But as he left me, I helped them to do one last big thing on condition that I could leave afterwards. They on the other side had the condition that I wasn't allowed to tell anybody at any time."

"So that was the reason behind your secretiveness, I see. It was really creeping me out, you know?"

"Of course, as if it didn't bug me that I could do nothing more but giving you some bad tips! You can't imagine how scared I was as I understood what happened in your life, but I just couldn't tell you sooner."

"But why did you do it now?"

"Because they broke their promise. They told me to stay out of my life, that includes family and friends, especially you. But now that they harmed my friend more than once, I won't keep mine. I won't tell the police or anything, but you had to know it."

"Were you a part of these red.. what where they called again?"

"Saiyans. And I sadly can't tell you that. But believe me, them and Frieza's Army aren't the only gangs you need to worry about."

"They a-"

"Sorry to interrupt you again, but you have to take your pain killers, Miss." A female nurse said coldly while making her way to your bed, her body as stiff as a stick. Did she just listen to your conversation?

After you took your medicine, you made sure to wait a few moments after the woman left the room, but Caffey already decided that this talk was now over.

"Sorry (Y/N), but I have to go now, I've got an appointment in half an hour. I told you everything important, but if you want to know something else, ask me. Stay safe, okay?"

She placed a light kiss on your forehead before she left, finally giving  you the well-deserved time to process everything.


"What do you mean 'No'?"

Goku and you had this argument for about 20 minutes already and your will to keep it up was slowly vanishing into thin air. He wouldn't let you sleep on the couch, but he also didn't want to leave his own bed - it was like he didn't understand the problem of sleeping in the same bed with a person that you didn't know that long and that was of the opposite gender, it seemed like he didn't even consider what could happen, like it wasn't an option at all. But he couldn't be that innocent or naive, could he?

"You're sleeping here, it's big enough after all." Goku stated as he made the beds and dedicated his signature smile to you.

"Fine, I will." You replied, annoyed yet half-laughing. It was just a sign he cared, so why be mad? Even when he was a pain in the ass sometimes.

The first night you spent together was indeed nothing special, except for the stolen blankets and some accidental punches you delivered, which were absolutely not meant as an act of revenge.

His weary yawn right beneath your ear aroused you from your sleep as well, your eyes meeting his big black ones as soon as you opened them.

"Was it that bad? You look pretty recuperated."

"Stop grinning at me like that, this was an one-off! Either you or I am going to sleep somewhere else the next night."

You rolled your eyes as you got out of bed and almost fell over as a pillow hit the back of your head, provoking you to start a fight, but there was no time. Sadly, because you would have beat him into the ground for underestimating you, no kidding.

"Don't be pissed like that, all we did was sleep!"

Shrugging, you got ready and quickly ate a slice of bread before returning  to him once again.

"I won't be home today, just so you - What the fuck, Goku, can't you dress yourself?!"

"Well, you should expect to see me butt naked if you don't knock." He laughed, not hesitating while putting on fresh clothes. There was no kind of embarrassment hinted in his expression, just what was up with this shameless guy?

"Geez... As I was trying to say, I have to go somewhere and it will probably take a few hours, so don't worry about me, okay?"

"I have to work anyway, just be careful."

"Will do." You smiled and left the house, your hands clenched to fists in the pockets of your jacket.

There was no way he was getting away without answering your questions first.

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