Part 11 - Confrontation

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"Let me speak to him, damn it!" You yelled at the elderly officer, getting more and more impatient by the second. Of course you didn't have an appointment or know the times he was allowed to be visited, but you were the victim, it was your right to do this.

"(Y/n)?" Someone familiar then interrupted, it was Krillin. He seemed to relieve his colleague, the perfect opportunity for you to get what you wanted.

"Miss, you sadly can't talk to this man right now, but you can follow me and we can make an appointment if you'd like." He smiled and gestured for you to follow him, of course this was just a lie and he needed a safe or at least less public place to talk.

"Krillin." You sighed happily, but he quickly interrupted you.

"What are you doing here, are you crazy?"

"I might be, but I think you can understand my point. This could be the only chance I have to talk to him while he can't harm me, at least not that easily. Please."

"Fine.. but keep in mind that I risk a lot for you when I allow this."

"I do, thank you so much. It really helps me, at least I hope so."

"We're doing it in the interrogation room, but I won't leave the room."

"That's fine with me."


*Bardock's POV*

What the hell did they want now? I spent more time in that damn room than I did in my cell, even though it amazed me that they were so creative when it came to thinking of new  dumb questions to ask. Not.

But as they opened the door in front of me, there was a surprise waiting for me. Her.

"Well, if it isn't babyface. To what do I owe this honour?" I grinned at her, knowing exactly how much this would piss her off, but she was doing a good job at keeping her cool.

"I'm happy to see you too, Bardock. I think you know that we weren't done yet."

"Oh, did I forget something about us? I don't think that there was or is something between us, sorry babe."

"You wish. But I have some questions and I'm pretty sure I deserve some answers."

She leaned back and crossed her arms, she sure had guts to be that laid-back and calm. I had to admit, I was getting interested in her potential.

"9 inches."


"My dick size. Are you satisfied now?"

She replied with a snort, damn bitch.

"No, and I'd like you to stop lying and get serious."

"Then speak the fuck up before I get impatient, I've got some delicious bread and water waiting for me that deserves more attemption."

"Fine. Where are the other two of your gang, you were a trio, right?"

And I seriously thought she would be a bit more smart than the other imbeciles here.

"How often do I have to tell you?! They were a fucking duo, I wasn't even involved with it! I didn't hurt you nor did I intend to do it."

"Why shouldn't you? You almost killed me before."

"It's your fault, you disguised yourself as the enemy."

"As if I could have known about you criminals."

"Ohhh, "criminal". I'm such a bad guy, everybody's scared, oh no!"


"Shut the fuck up, Krillin, nobody asked you to speak. And you, princess, you better believe me. I'm killing you either way when I'm out of here, so why should I lie to you?"

I saw the nervous glances she exchanged with the pathetic little officer, I did scare her after all. But who cares, I had to get them to believe me. I didn't do a damn thing.

"You know what, you idiot." She snarled at me and got up.
"I don't believe a single word you say.
You just want to save your narcissistic ass, that's all."

"Then get the fuck out of my sight! You're such a stupid little bitch, but go on and trust Frieza! It'll be a damn funny sight to see you hanging in the streets some day." I grinned and got up, waiting until the puny officer led me away.

*Normal POV*

What the hell was this guy thinking? Yeah, it might have been obvious that he was going to get aggressive and sassy, but you still had your hopes up. At least until now.

Some of his words got to you, but they were all part of his little mind games. He never did anything that affected you in a positive way, but Frieza did.. at least he offered to help you. And now you were 100% certain that you needed, no, you wanted his cooperation.

Bardock needed to pay.

But how could you contact him? It's not like he left you a number or anything, that would be far too dumb. They were probably hiding somewhere right now, it was impossible... almost.

"You wanna speak to him again?"

A young police apprentice said as you were standing outside the guardhouse, completely lost in thought.

"Excuse me?"

"So? Wanna do it?"

"Sorry, but I've had enough of this guy. I hope they lock him up forever."

"I don't mean Bardock." He said, raising an eyebrow as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Then who do you... oh."

The man was scratching his neck to not be too obvious, but you were able to recognize the small tattoo he was usually hiding underneath his collar anyway. Frieza let his man infiltrate the police, clever move. Well, that was a lot easier than you would have thought.

"Take me to him."

 Blame [Gang Member!Bardock x Reader AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora