Part 12 - Frieza

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"Well, well... I waited for you to come back." Frieza said, his fingers tapping on the dust-covered desk.

"Am I that predictable?"

"Of course you are, darling. I've met many girls like you before, girls that tried to be stubborn and not accept my offers. But in the end, they just couldn't say no to me."

"What happened to them?"

"Some are the best leaders I have ever seen, some ended up in my backyard. In pieces, I might say. It's not wise to bite the hand that feeds one."

Clear enough.

"What is your plan?"

He just laughed at you.

"What is your plan? I've got so many ways to kill them, I just can't choose. But I'm sure you do."

You thought about it, about each and every way to kill someone you could imagine. You went for shooting first, but this would be too easy. After all he did to you, you couldn't just shoot him in the head and that's it. You'd have to pierce every single muscle of his with bullets, but that was impossible. He should feel the pain after all and not die within the first minute. So you went on to methods more painful, but there was something that hindered you to choose.

With all these images suddenly appearing in your head, images of his whole crew dead, their bodies disfigured, you just couldn't do it. You wanted nobody, not even this scum, to end up like this. You had to figure out another way to hurt them.

"I want them shot."

"What, shot?!"

His body snapped forwards, his palm meeting the table with a loud bang.

"Girl, I give you a hundred ways to kill somebody that wanted to kill you more than once; you could skin them, gut them, burn them, whatever you want! And you go for headshots, are you kidding me?!"

He frightened you. Making him furious was the last thing you wanted, especially with all the guards standing outside of his office. But there was one thing worse than this. Letting him see it.

If you gave in now, what would happen? It would show him that you're like a loyal little toy, doing what he wants whenever he wants it. You did not want to acquire that status, you just wanted his help for now and forget about everyone and everything when Bardock's dead. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I think you're forgetting why I'm here. You told me that you would help me. That I could decide what will happen to the douche that hurt me. And if that's my decision, then accept it or I'll leave."

"...very well. Let's discuss the details."


You left a few hours later and stormed out of the building, heading back to the center of the city.

It felt so bad. It was good to take revenge, though, but living with the thought that you were responsible for at least 50 dead people, could you live with that? You were young, you had to deal with it for a life time. But then,  Bardock almost robbed you of that life time. He destroyed your flat, the few belongings you had, as well as your stable psyche. He obviously didn't care, so why should you?

To get rid of the inner conflict, you decided to head 'home' for now and speak to Goku.


You kicked your shoes away and slid out of your coat, smiling a bit as you heard Goku call your name, followed by heavy footsteps approaching you in a fast pace.


"I'm here, do you-"

Your happy face soon vanished as you saw his pop out behind the door, worried with a hint of angry.

"Where were you?"

"I had something important to do, I told you, didn't I?"

"Did you look at the time?"

You didn't. It couldn't be that late, right? It was dark outside, but you assumed it was about 8 pm or so.
It was 11:15.

Sighing heavily, you apologized and hoped that he would stop being like this now, but you didn't expect to get pulled into a hug.

"Is something wrong?"

"Didn't you hear the news?" He said rather shocked and pushed you away by your shoulders to look at your clueless face.

"What happened?"

"There was a gang shooting not far away, they didn't say much, but there were approximately 5 deaths on each side. I was worried because you were gone the whole day and I know that you're a trouble magnet."

"No need to bring that up now, jerk." You laughed and hit him playfully, "Now you now I'm well, so stop worrying. Do you want to go out on a drink? I know that you like to play the big protector."

"If that helps you."

"Maybe it helps you to calm down and loosen up, too. I'm getting dressed!"

You picked up your shoes and went into the bedroom, where you let yourself fall onto the bed as soon as you weren't in Goku's view anymore.
A gang shooting? Sounds like a very unhappy coincidence, it also happened right after you left? Frieza was not to be played with, that was for sure.

You wiped your face, massaging your skin in small circles.

If some of the small minions shot each other, then it was none of your business. Let them do what they want. But if that's how it starts and they aim for the bigger targets, then Frieza's going to get in your way. Bardock was your deal and only yours. You hoped that he remembered that.

Shrugging it off, you changed into a rather short black dress, refreshed yourself and headed out with your friend by your side.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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