Part 7 - Leave

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-4 days later-

*Bardock's POV*

I ran out of the bank, the two cases that contained millions safe in my grip. One of many times I robbed a bank, but this time it wasn't just any bank. It was the one Frieza and his dicks stored their dirty money in. Bank deposit safe 3280. I knew it all, yet this idiot thought we wouldn't figure it out. Seems like he forgot about me, I was famous for my robberies. Hell, I was famous for everything I did, I'm a fucking pro.

Soon, the sound of at least 5 police sirens shrieked in my ears, but they wouldn't get me, they never did. I took a turn to the right. What seemed like a dead end was actually the perfect, yet not most good smelling way to escape. I lifted up the sewer grate, inhaled as much air as my lungs could store und entered the sewer system.

I had the route memorized perfectly, it would be too risky to mark the right way. After a few minutes, I climbed up a ladder and exited this stinking place. Fortunately, it was located right in the little space between the buildings we claimed for us.

But there was something wrong. Not many of us were there, the only one I found was Vegeta and some other young brats.

"Hey, Geets. Look what I got." I grinned and flashed my fangs while shaking the dirty cases, but he didn't seem to care at all, so I threw one at his face. He didn't even bother to repel it, making me more angry.

"What the fuck is your problem?! Besides your height and your calvities."

"Shut the hell up and see for yourself." He hissed at me and walked away. I followed him to our quarters and knew something was wrong, the stench of blood filled my nostrils.

After I took a turn, I saw them lying there. Nappa and Borgos. Two of our biggest and therefore strongest members.

"Fuck, how did this happen?!" I yelled as I let my fingers run through my hair, ripping a strand out here and there. I wasn't that upset about their death, it was another thing. Their clothes were missing. Not torn or something, someone took 'em.

I looked around even though I knew they were long gone. It were some of his dumb little minions and I knew exactly what they wanted to do with it, but I hoped they wouldn't. Whatever they were trying to do, I had to hamper it.

*Normal POV*

You stepped out of the shower and dried your body and hair while humming a melody. The last days had been great compared to the week before, you were able to sleep tight, live peacefully and spend time with your friends. You even met with Caffey once, neither of you said a word about the terrible events and everything was fine. It still hurt, but you wanted to see her and vice versa.
Goku stayed on your couch for the last days because you were very anxious during your first night home again, so he offered you to come over the next day.

You decided to tell him to go home again, it seemed to be over and the couch would just hurt his back, which was the last thing he needed with the job he had. Also, you had to go to the grocery store every day, if he would stay any longer, he and his appetite would leave you poor.

After you dressed yourself, you went into the living room and approached a still sleeping Goku.

"Hey, wake up."

No response.


Again, no response, so you lifted the strap of his tank top up and let it snap back onto his skin, making him move and grunt. Suddenly, he pulled you closer by the sleeves of your collar and opened his eyes only a little.
"That's not nice, you know?"

"I know, but sleeping on my couch surely isn't nice either, so get up. I'm preparing breakfast and then I want you to go home and get some real sleep."

"But I don't mind!" He yelled behind you as you walked into the kitchen and started making some sandwhiches.

He soon followed you and leaned against the wall, facing you with a worried expression.

"Are you really sure that you want to be alone again now? I know that you're still scared, you're not the first one to react like this."

You let out a sigh, of course he was right, but you had to do it.
"Yes I am, I can't rely on you all the time, it's too much to ask for. I need to get my life together by myself, no offense. But if something happens, I can still call you, right?"

"Sure thing. And if I'm at work, you can call Krillin."

"Thanks, Goku." You smiled and wanted to take a step towards him, but hesitated and resumed your work.

"What was that right now? Scared to touch me?" He laughed, making you blush out of embarrassment.

"No." Yes you were. You didn't want to   appear as the small little girl who is far too affectionate, you were a strong woman, you didn't need that hug.

"Oh, I think you-"

"Breakfast's ready." You interrupted him and set the table.

About an hour of funny work stories followed and your heart started to betray you already. Can't he stay? He's funny. He distracts you. Just for one or two more days.

"Is everything alright? Do you really want me to go yet?"

"....Yes. But I'll text and call you, okay?"


You cleared the table and followed Goku to the door after he packed his things.

"Thank you so much for what you did for me."

"Anytime." He smiled and gave you a bear hug.

"See you soon."

He nodded and pulled away from you, leaving you alone in your apartment again.

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