Part 9 - Encounter

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*Goku's POV*

"Are you fucking stupid?! I was chasing these pricks and you imbecile take me down?" He continued to shout at me while I tried my best to don't let him escape. Even as he spit right onto my face, I kept my cool.

"Well, I don't believe a single word you say. Why would you chase them when they are dressed exactly like you?"

"They're not members of my gang, damn it, how often do I have to tell you?"

I put more weight onto his body and looked him dead in the eye, I wouldn't fall for his little mind games.

"I don't care what you tell me, but I won't let any criminals like you hurt (Y/N). You got that?"

Suddenly, a huge smile formed on his face.

"Oh, so that's what all of this is about? You want her to be your pathetic little girlfriend and see you as some sort of hero who saved her from the big, evil villain?"

I grit my teeth as the man mocked me, how dare he speak to me like that? He didn't knew me and our relationship at all.

But I understood that this wasn't exactly true because he used that one weak moment of mine to lift himself up and come dangerously close to my face.

"I'll tell you one thing. Someone like me can get any bitch they want and challenging me wasn't very smart of you. Good luck with her, you pussy."

And with that, he pushed me away and delivered a kick to my gut, making me fall to the ground and hold my stomach in pain. Damn. I let him escape.

A few seconds later, I heard a loud thud and a "Good job, Goku!" coming from beside me, it was Krillin. The criminal was lying a few metres away and suffered bad spasms, that means he got him with the taser.

"You don't fail to amaze me." I grin at him and sat up as the nausea slowly faded out, only to be greeted by (Y/N).

"Are you okay? You didn't have to risk your life only for me, they're too dangerous!" She looked at me in concern.

"I promised you to keep you safe, remember?"

"Boohoo, how fucking heartwarming! Shut your ugly mouth over there or I'm gonna puke."

*Normal POV*

The both of you shot the man a glare, but as you got up and approached him slowly, you realized who was lying in front of you.

"Bardock. I knew it."

"You know nothing. Seriously, all of you are so dumb for blaming me. But go on, get yourself killed, I'll have fun watching."

"What do you mean?"

"You wouldn't understand it either way, so I won't bother telling you."


The only answer you got were a few blown kisses to annoy you, so you got over to Krillin and told him to take Bardock away, which he did without further waiting. You then reunited with Goku and went back to the ambulance.

"Miss, you still have to come with us. That wound isn't just a scratch and we have to check if the smoke had any effect on your body."

You looked at Goku, but he only nodded so you sighed and agreed.

"Can I get some clothes before I go?"

"We don't want you to go in there again for now."

"I'll do it." Goku smiled and went inside after you told him where he would find what. It wasn't nice thinking about him looking through your underwear and everything, but who cares, you needed something to change into.

As he was gone for several minutes, a certain thought crept into your mind and you felt your stomach turn upside down. What if he found the stuff Frieza gave you? Would he tell anybody? But why would he look under the matress? It wouldn't make sense, so you decided to shrug that feeling off.

Goku then appeared with a big bag in his hands that seemed to be stuffed to its limit.

"Didn't you get a bit much? They told me that I'm staying for 2 days max."

"I know, but you'll be staying with me afterwards."

"Thank you. Again."

Both of you exchanged warm smiles before you got into the ambulance car and they drove off, sadly without your friend. He said he would come and work afterwards, though.


A friendly nurse accompanied you to your hospital room, it fortunately was an one bed room.

But you didn't have much alone time, the door swung open about 5 minutes later, revealing your best friend.

"Hey, I heard what happened, I'm so sorry..." She sighed, her head tilted downwards while she talked.

"It's okay, nothing serious. I can go tomorrow and then I'll stay with Goku, he can help me fix my bandage and all."

As she heard his name, her worried expression changed into cheerful and her mouth formed a toothy grin.

"Ohhh, you're "staying with Goku"? I bet he also helps you at other things besides your bandage."
She laughed and emphasized her words by doing air quotes, making you blush.

"It's not like that!"

"Oh, girls' talk, I see?"

You were suddenly interrupted by a slightly exhausted Goku, the poor man must have hurried to get here.

"I think it's better when I come back later, I'm very busy right now and I don't want to interrupt you."

"Thanks." You smiled and waited till he was gone so you could pick the conversation up where you left off.

"It really isn't, we're just friends."

"Don't lie to me, (Y/N). He might be your friend now, but everybody can see that there's more. But now to another topic." She paused for a few seconds and looked at you again, her friendly face completely vanished again.

"Too much has happened, I think you deserve the truth."

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