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Apparently, today was one of the days where ignoring Luke seemed impossible. 
Halfway through class he leaned forward, breathing his warm breath against my ear. It smelled like toothpaste and gum, and if every part of my body was grossed out by that, I might have thought it smelled nice. Leaning away from him was helpless. 

"Hey, you" he said, not even acknowledging that I had a name, "Can I borrow a pen? Ms. Davidson will give me a hard time when she finds out I haven't been taking notes." 
This was something he'd always do to get my attention for a moment. How, or why he succeeded was still a mistery to me. Why would he always asked me that kind of stuff, when there were literally dozens of people he could ask something? Why pick me, the person who liked him the least? Maybe because he knew I would just give him what he wanted without speaking to him. Sometimes it seemed like all the attention he naturally attracted annoyed him. On the rare occassions where we exchanged glances, it seemed like all the people around him were too much for him. Even though I hated to admit it, knowing him for so long I could sometimes see right through him. 
Luke seemed like an ice cold person with little to no emotion, but the outside wasn't important. His brothers had told me he was an emotional person, but I had only seen the worst side of him. 

Knowing that he would make a fuss if the pen wasn't handed to him right now, I gave him one, still avoiding being too close to his face again. Our hands brushed for a moment, his being rough from playing hockey, mine being soft. Total opposites, just like we were. When I turned around again, I sighed to let him know that his behaviour annoyed me. Not that he didn't know that. 

"God, you really hate me, don't you?" I heard him whisper, and as a counteract I just sighed really loud. If he was being childish, so was I. Had I been religious, I would have sworn that God hated me. If he didn't, he would do everything in his power so that I could avoid this damed boy with his blue eyes that stared right into you. Preferrably forever. 

Luke still had the pen by the time class had ended, but never in a lifetime would I ask for it back. I was going to be childish for as long as he was, and as we both knew, that could be for a long time. It was just the way the two of us interacted. He wouldn't asked for something again and I wouldn't speak for him as long as we didn't have to. Not in a million years was that going to change. 
Walking to my locker, Alyssa was waiting for me there already. We met when we were twelve, so she knew all about my hatred for Luke. She was my best friend and we loved each other, but unfortunately she did not agree with me on Luke. Alyssa, among many other girls, had a crush on him. Whenever I would rant about him, she would just sigh dreamily and then talk about how handsome he was. Luckily my other best friend Mila was completely on my side regarding Luke. To be honest, that had been one of the reasons we became friends in the first place. She was on the girls hockey team, and the guys and the girls were always fighting about practice times. Mila and Luke were both captains of their own team, so they were always butting heads. They both had strong personalities, and that often went wrong. This years season had just started and Luke had already shoved Mila into a wall for petty reasons. Unfortunately for him, she had done the same to him in an unattended moment. The bruise on his leg had been visible for a few weeks. He hated it, but that had made my life a little better. 

Just when my mood had started to get a little better - Luke could ruin my whole morning with everything he did - the person I obviously didn't want to see walked over to us and dropped my pen on the table I was sitting at. Without saying anything, I continued eating. He didn't seem bothered by that and walked away to his friends. 
Mila grinned, "You really hate him more than I do, and I didn't think that was possible."
"Is it that obvious?" I shrugged, knowing very well that it was, "He seems to get more irritating every week."
"Jess, Mila, don't be mean! He's just so... sorry, I forgot what he was saying. I mean, who wouldn't be by looking at him?" Alyssa interrupted with a cheesy grin on her face. This was a fight were were never going to win. 
Zoning out when my friends started a discussion about something I had no interest in, I stood up to throw my leftovers in the trash. From the corner of my eye I saw Luke looking at me from a distance. I just raised an eyebrow and fought the urge to raise my middle finger. 

The bell rang, meaning that lunch time was over. I had gym with Alyssa. Definitely not my favourite, because unsurprisingly, Luke always managed to piss me off. Whether it was by 'accidentally' tripping me, or just by being a big showoff. Today we were playing football: boys against girls. We as girls were winning, but just when I was heading towards the goal, someone pushed me down. I looked up and saw Luke casually jogging away, acting totally innocent. At first, I thought about just being the mature person and biting my tongue, but my mood was already at its worst. Making the one decision that would get me a firm speaking to from the teacher seemed more appealing now. So I ran as fast as I could towards Luke, and using all my force, I shoved him down just like he did with me. This had no reason, because at the moment, he didn't even have the ball.
Just like I thought, the teacher was not amused with that and forbade me to do that again. Not that that was any news to me, of course I knew that this action was childish. Luckily, the physical contact didn't occur again in any way. Just by the brief touching of our bodies, my clothes smelled like him. Like lemon and musk. It almost made me gag.
After changing back into my normal clothes the smell went away, and I walked over to math class. The bad thing was that my teacher was Liz Hemmings, Luke's mother. The upside to this class was that Luke was not in this class because he took advanced math, so that meant no annoyance from my side for an hour. 
After this hour of sweating - maths was not my thing - the school day had ended. I could not wait to watch a movie in my room and enjoy the weekend. For some reason, this had been a day of more interaction with Luke than I wanted. It had drained me, and somehow he always had that effect on me. Time for a weekend without any Hemmings drama. 

How I hate him - ft. Luke Hemmings and 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now