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That plan had flown out of the window once I stepped into my house. My mum announced that we, and by we she meant our family and the Hemmings family, were going to eat out tonight. The parents did that almost weekly, but up until now the children had never been required to go too. 
The thing was that I didn't have a problem with the whole Hemmings family. It always only had been Luke. Liz was a sweet woman, kind in nature and always willing to strike conversation. Andrew, Luke's father, was a man of few words, but when he spoke it was always interesting. When we did have a conversation it was always about relevant topics, which both of us enjoyed. Luke's older brothers were named Jack and Ben, and I always got along with them. Unfortunately they didn't live at home anymore. Both of them studied in Canberra, so they didn't come home very often. They wouldn't be eating with us tonight, which I didn't like. That would make the night so much easier. 
The only one I couldn't stand was Luke, but he was coming. Like me, he must have been forced to go too. Well... there went my relaxed evening.

"And try to dress up a little!" My mum yelled as I stomped up the stairs. Dressing up wasn't really my thing, especially when I already didn't want to go. Jeans and T-shirts were my go-to: today my outfit was a shirt that read Women don't owe you pretty, black ripped jeans and red Vans. That was my usual style, and the agressiveness of the shirt spoke to me. 
Somewhere in the back of the closet I found a pair of heels and a little black dress, which was the only "dress-up" outfit I liked.
But I knew my mum wouldn't let me wear my usual outfit, so I grabbed the dress, threw the heels in the corner of the room, and walked downstairs to walk our dog, Maisie. She was very excited, so that called for a long walk through town. We didn't have to leave for an hour or two, so when we got back, I still had an hour left. Not wanting to spend all my time on makeup, I fixed my mascara and put on a little lipstick. Pulling the elastic bands out of my hair, I let my hair fall loose. My hair had been in a braid the whole day, but it felt nice to let my hair breathe a little. My hair was getting a little curlier now I was letting it grow out. Up until now I always had it at shoulder length, but the shorter my hair was, the more difficult it got to manage. Luke always said my hair resembled that of a sheep, but he was not in the place to say something about my hair. He straightened his hair, but I was probably one of the only people who knew he did that. When he didn't, he had a mop of blonde curls, which actually suitened him better. Not that I was ever gonna say that. It was a secret I enjoyed keeping. 

When putting the heels on my feet, I heard voices downstairs. Once I arrived downstairs everyone greeted me, except Luke. We just ignored each other. When he finally did look at me, it was with a disapproving look. 
"What are you looking at?" I hissed at him when nobody was listening. He just raised an eyebrow at me. He was wearing a blue shirt which fit him perfectly. If I didn't despise him so much, I might have thought he was looking very good.

At the restaurant, of course the only seat left was the one next to Luke. This was getting awkward already. 
As usual, Luke's parents asked me about school, and whether Luke and I hung out together. They knew we didn't, but it seemed like they wanted us to. I got it, because seeing their children not getting along wasn't nice for them to see. They also knew that wasn't going to change. 
"No." I responded and all the adults asked, "Why not?"
Before I could stop myself, the words just came out of my mouth. 
"Well, you know," I started, "Luke isn't really the type of person I'd hang out with. We're just very different and he just hasn't got the attitude I vibe with. Actually, he's kind of an as-"
Luke cut me off by stomping on my foot hard, and said, 
"Well, we don't see each other a lot, you know. It's a big school, lots of people. Anyway, we're going outside for a bit."
"Our food will arrive any minute, so I'd rather have you stay inside," Liz countered. 
Luke shrugged. "I know, just for a few minutes. It's hot in here. Jessy, you're coming too."
"No, I'm not. Wow, you actually know my name, good job!" I sarcastically sighed, but Luke grabbed my arm and pulled me up, but now hard enough for the adults to notice. 

Once we were outside, he let go of my arm, but stood just close enough to make sure I couldn't walk back inside. My foot hurt like a bitch, and because of that I was even more pissed off. 
"Who do you think you are, dragging me outside like that? I'm not your dog, and you certainly didn't have the right to stomp me on my foot, you sneaky... You know what, I'm not even wasting my time on someone like you. So I'm going back inside. Good luck." I spat the words at him and pulled the door back open, but Luke slammed the door shut before I could walk back in. 

"No, you listen," he raised his voice, "You have no reason to talk shit about me in front of our families. I know you hate me, but you had no right. Why would you do that?"
"Like  you're an angel," I raised my voice too, "If they only knew how cruel you were, and most of the time you still are to me, they would know why I did that. So now you're looking at me, now you're talking to me? Why would I listen to you now?"

"Because I have a question for you."
"Go ahead, I'm listening. Not that it can be very interesting anyway. Shoot."

"Why do you hate me so much?" 

"Really?" I questioned, looking him right into his piercing blue eyes, "Obviously because you've never been nice to me. We've hated each other for seven years now! I think we can both agree that it's almost laughable. What is it about me that you hate so much? What have I ever done to you? You really had to go ahead and be shitty to me on the first day of elementary school. Personally, I don't think I've ever done anything wrong, so the only way for me to cope was by being mean to you too. You always look at me like you're better than me. Maybe you are, being Mr. Popular and all. But that does not give you the right to look at me with disgust. I hate you, you know that. I really, really hate you!"

Leaving him to think about my words, I stormed inside. My first thought was to go home immediately, but that would be unfair to the rest of my family, and his. Luke might have ruined my evening, but not my appetite. Sitting down, I didn't say a word and just smiled like nothing had happened. A moment later, Luke came back and sat next to me. We ate in silence and did not look at each other again. 

Once at home, I fell down on my bed and stared at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity. Was it me, or had Luke looked a little sad at the end of the evening? At first that thought seemed impossible, but it dawned on me that what I said to him really hadn't been nice. Did he deserve for me to be mean to him? Maybe. Maybe everything I said needed to be said, so he finally knew how I felt about him. 
However, the last thought I had before finally drifting off to sleep was: 

Why am I such a bitch sometimes?

How I hate him - ft. Luke Hemmings and 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now