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Most of my time had been spent with my best friends, or rather, a good book. Anything to distract myself, really. I would take anything to take my mind off missing Luke.
He had been gone for two weeks now and I missed him so much.
The chair behind me had been empty for a while now, and it still felt weird. That's where Luke always sat at school. Usually he would talk or make annoying noises. Having hated that for eleven years, it was weird to experience that I actually missed it. In the past I would've done anything to get him to leave or shut up, but now the silence echoed in my head.
I missed him, every minute of the day. Although he was enjoying life on tour and doing the thing he had always loved, that didn't make the feeling of missing him any less. His presence, his hugs, just hanging out with him; I missed everything. 

As if reading my thoughts, he sent me a text. 

From: Luke - Hi babe, how are you? Can we Skype? I wanna see your face :)
To: Luke - Hi love, I'm at school, sorry :( Maybe tonight?

From: Luke - Fucking time difference, I'll be playing a concert tonight. Hope I can see your face tomorrow :)
To: Luke - Probably, I miss you :( Have fun tonight, love you xxx

The time difference made communication practically impossible. Right now it was afternoon here, which meant that it was in the middle of the night over there. He just got to the hotel room probably. When school was out, he would be fast asleep. When he was busy I had a free moment, and vice versa. 
And so we hadn't seen each other face-to-face in a while. While we sent each other pictures, that wasn't the same. And to be honest, it sometimes seemed like he forgot about me. Which wasn't strange because he was so busy, but still. We didn't talk as much as we used to and that bothered me. Even though I promised to not be the 'clingy girlfriend', it was sometimes hard. My trust in him wasn't back completely and him being away didn't help much. 
I just wondered if my worst fear had come true...
Immediately I tried to push that thought out of my head. Of course he wouldn't forget about me, we were a couple after all!

After a long school day and once again not having been able to focus, Mila and I went to grab some coffee. It almost seemed like she had forgotten that Luke and I were dating, because she began ranting about how she didn't miss fighting about the ice skating rink and that she could do without him a little longer. Sure, the peace between the teams had returned, but that didn't mean that this didn't bother me. 

"Mila," I sighed, "Could you not call him a jerk?"
"Oh damn, I completely forgot... I'm sorry." she apologized.
"Yeah, you better be." I snapped, but just a split second later I realised that that was a little too bitchy for my liking. Blaming her for her feelings about Luke wasn't fair. Up until this year I had always understood how she felt about him and the fact that she respected our relationship was really cool of her. 

Apparently I had zoned out for a while, until I heard two voices talk to me. "Hey, are you even listening?"
I didn't have a clue to when Alyssa got here. Clearly my own thoughts had taken the upper hand. Mila looked at me with her eyebrows raised. 
"Yeah, sorry, what were you talking about?" I asked them, at which Alyssa grinned from ear to ear. She always did that when she was excited about something. 
"Well, we were talking that we need to go shopping. We're going to a party. There are only two weeks left, you know so we need an outfit."
I felt completely clueless. "Whose party?"

"Sam's throwing a party at his house. You know that, we told you about it! He invited us." Alyssa was still grinning. 
Sam was one of the most popular guys in our school besides Luke, but to everyone's surprise, the two of them weren't friends. Far from that, actually. They were in the same team and I didn't know much about him. The one thing I did know was that if you got a personal invitation, that was 'cool'. 
"But I didn't get invited." I shrugged and Mila smiled. "That's the point, he asked us to invite you because he never sees you at school. You're always somewhere else. Start feeling special..." She put a hand on my arm and I fake-smiled. Seeing my two best friends get so excited was hilarious, but that didn't mean I actually wanted to go. However, anything to take my mind off things was welcome, so I made a promise to myself to actually make an effort to go. 
"So, when are we going shopping?" I asked and we agreed on tomorrow. 
Mila showed the invitation on her phone. As far as I could see, there was no dresscode, which made me happy. Dresscodes were always a colour or theme that didn't suit me. 

Just as I looked up, Sam walked in. What a coincidence. He walked over to us, and just to be sure, I asked him what the dresscode was.
"Wear whatever you want babe." He grinned, after which I gave him an evil look. Him calling me 'babe' wasn't allowed. He knew that I was dating Luke and obviously he was testing me. 
So I told him that I'd be wearing whatever I wanted, but that he couldn't comment on it. I was only half-joking. 
Sam winked at the three of us and walked out with his coffee.
Even though he kind of pissed me off, this party would be a good distraction for me. That it was his party didn't matter to me. But, ignoring him would be the best thing to do. Not only for my sake, but also for Luke's. 
At least this party would distract me, something I was looking forward to.

How I hate him - ft. Luke Hemmings and 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now