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"Thank you so much," I smiled at Damian, "I feel so much better now. You can't imagine how much I hate him."
"Actually," he responded, "I kind of can. I mean, who'd do something like that, especially to someone as nice as you? You deserve better than that."
"No, you really can't imagine how much I hate him," I decided to explain everything to him. Now that I had drunk too much, the words just fell out of my mouth. It felt good to tell the whole story to someone who didn't actually know Luke.
"You're drunk, sweetheart." Damian and Frank said at the same time.
"I know right? Are you staying here tonight?" I asked them, and they both shook their heads. 
"We're going home. We live together. And since you don't seem to want to go back to your hotel, I suggest it won't be wise for you to walk on your own. And you probably are way too drunk to even find the way back."
"Oh." I simply said, now feeling too tired to say anything else. That made Damian grin. "Lucky for you, we do have a guest room, so you can stay in our house if you want to."
I agreed with that, despite knowing it wasn't wise for me to actually do this. At the moment the idea felt good, so I went along.
"Let's go then." Frank said and we stood up, walking down the stairs. The house was not actually big, but it had about three floors. Earlier one of the girls had explained to me that this was how many students lived; this was the equivalent of dorms here. 
Once outside I saw that there were two bikes. Damian instructed me to sit down and I held on to him. This was not comfortable at all, but luckily it was only a ten-minute ride to their house. 
Their house was nothing like the one we had just been at. 
"I thought that all students lived in small houses with like ten other people." I said in surprise. This house was a lot bigger and Damian explained that his parents owned the place, so in exchange for a little rent they could live here.
We walked up the stairs, Damian still holding on to me. My legs were a little wobbly and he wasn't sure that I could manage this on my own.
"So, this is the guest room," he opened the door, "Our friends crash here after parties all the time.Make yourself comfortable. It has its own bathroom, and you can lock the door if you want to. We're in the rooms next to you, so if you need something, feel free to ask."
"Can you do something for me right now?" I asked him to text my mum. Even though she would still freak, at least she needed to know I was safe.
He suggested I called her, and knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep if she didn't hear my voice, I talked to her for a bit too.
She still wasn't convinced I was safe, but Damian told her the address and said she could come get me if she wanted to. Now a little calmer, she only told me to lock the door and to call her again first thing in the morning. I agreed to that and told her I would later explain why I felt the need to leave the hotel. 
Thanking the guys I locked the door. Just to be safe. However, when I lay down, the room started spinning. That made me sit up again and try not to be sick. Sitting down on the bathroom floor I rested my head against the wall.
When the spinning had stopped, the thoughts about today came back. Just before I fell asleep, I dragged myself back to the bed.
I couldn't help thinking as I started to drift away, 
if Luke was as nice as everyone else I just met, it would be so much easier...

But hey, I guess it wasn't meant to be easy with a guy like Luke.

How I hate him - ft. Luke Hemmings and 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now