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My mind wanted to refuse him, but my body and heart definitely didn't. Automatically I wrapped my legs around him, kissing him back. 
Damn, how I had missed this...
He really was irresistable. Everything about him was: his attitude, his beautiful blue eyes, and definitely his body.
Luke lifted me up like it took him no effort and carried me over to the bed.
"Save water, shower together?" he asked again, which made me grin. 
"Not yet."
The truth was, my legs felt like jelly and I wouldn't be able to get up now. He always managed to make me feel weak.
"Then let's make out some more until you're convinced." Luke smiled, and that's what we did.

But after a while he looked at me with those bright blue eyes and I couldn't say no anymore.
"What about now?"
"How do you do this?" I sighed, "You pull me over the edge every time. It's not fair..."
Luke then let go of me and walked over to the bathroom. I followed him and grabbed my body wash.
We undressed ourselves - not completely though, that I wouldn't do just yet - and stepped under the warm water. I had kept my bikini on under my clothes and Luke still had his boxers on. I was glad he respected that, because I wasn't ready for full nudity yet. That was going to take a while, and us being partly dressed made me regain my self-control a little too.
Even though I was close to giving in, I would not let that happen. He first had to prove his loyalty to me before I let him have what he wanted.
After all, he had done 'that' with a random girl just a few days ago, and I was going to resist him. 

Grabbing the soap from me, Luke put some of it on me. When he reached my chest area, I shivered and looked down. 
"Hey, don't look," I awkwardly grinned and he looked up again.
I felt him tense up and I laughed at him.
"Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. 
"I'm not used to you touching me. You always seemed so against someone touching you, or touching someone else, for that matter. Also, you look really good and I'm trying so hard not to-"

I didn't want to hear the dirty things he was probably about to say, so I shut him up by kissing him. Stepping out of the shower and making him get dressed in the bedroom, I put on the clothes I had brought into the bathroom and the hoodie he had left hanging there. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I had truly missed wearing his clothes. They just felt so comfortable. 
We both knew not everything was fixed yet, but at least we were on the right track. Maybe we were even moving too fast, but at the moment I didn't care. 
Being with Luke either felt really high, or really low. There was no inbetween, only hate or love. 

"What are you thinking about?" Luke asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, just that I like the fact that we're acting like normal people again... kind of."
"Me too," he smiled back at me, "But we're not normal, are we? I don't think that we'll ever be. 

He was right, but I didn't want to talk about that anymore. I pulled him closer and we both sat on the bed. He turned on the tv, but I just couldn't concentrate. After a while, the butterflies in my stomach went crazy again, and I couldn't help but kiss him passionately. 
The vibe was killed by the ring of his phone, though. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Michael. 
There were probably some things I wasn't supposed to hear, because Luke picked up the phone and walked over to the bathroom. The wall was thin though, and I could hear a lot of what he said. It went something like this:
"Yeah, Amsterdam is cool... Yes okay... 
Oh, I'm not telling you, dumbass. Why would you even want to know? Dude... Yeah, you can talk to her, but if you talk crazy shit I'm gonna punch you when I'm back... Okay, later mate."
He then walked out of the bathroom and handed me the phone. 

"Hey Mike."
"Hey Jessy," Michael said in that cheerful voice of his, "How's Amsterdam?"
"It's pretty great, thanks for asking. By the way, what did you just ask Luke? It sounded like..."
"Like you don't wanna know," my friend laughed and I shook my head, even though he couldn't see it.
"Probably not."

"Whatever, but I was thinking, we really should hang out more. I miss playing video games with you."
"Yeah, me too, but I gotta go." I said looking at Luke, who was making weird faces at me. I hung up and handed Luke his phone back. Suddenly I noticed I was very tired and yawned. Luke stood up and said, "Let's go to sleep then. Is it okay if I sleep in the same bed?" 
Without thinking I agreed, knowing that we couldn't resist touching each other. However, I wasn't planning on doing more than just making out. 
No matter how bad I wanted it, things really had to be fixed first. 

How I hate him - ft. Luke Hemmings and 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now