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"WHAT?!" Caroline screamed and stood up. She was now ready to attack me, but Sam was faster and pushed his sister down on the sofa. "Just calm down."
Sam looked at his sister and told her to stop yelling. She obeyed, but now had a very hostile look on her face. I couldn't bear to look at her, the feeling of being threatened was overwhelming. 
"Sam," Caroline pleaded, "I want her out of here. Right now."
Sam shook his head, telling his sister over and over again that it wasn't my fault. 
"Please, Jessy can't help it."

"But... you're choosing her side! You're my brother!" She yelled, but then suddenly spoke in a very calm voice. "Okay, you're right. I'm sorry, I know that you're not the one to blame."
I nodded, but I just could hear in her overly calm voice that it wasn't good at all. The look in her eyes said enough for me to know she was ready to attack me the moment Sam let go of her. 
And there it was. In the few seconds Sam loosened his grip on Caroline, she came running up to me. This time neither me or Sam were fast enough to hold her back. We both had let our guard down and were fooled by her sudden calmness. 
She pushed me against the wall and punched me in the face, kicking me in the ribs at the same time. For a girl this petite, she sure did have a lot of strength in her. 
Sam pulled back his sister, but it was too late. Caroline began firing horrible words at me and he was having a hard time keeping her away from me. 

"Jessy, go. And push the red button on your way out," he panted, "They'll send someone up here."
I opened the door as fast as I could, pushing the red button as soon as I found it, and then ran down the stairs. Luckily my nose wasn't bleeding, so I let go of it. 
Then I realised I had somehow managed to get Sam's keys and I quickly asked someone for a piece of paper and a pen. The boy nodded and handed me what I asked for. I quickly scribbled a message and handed it to him. He seemed very concerned about my face - apparently she managed to bruise my nose - and I explained what happened just a minute ago. A few nurses ran up the stairs, and even though I was in shock, I hoped Caroline and Sam were both okay. 

The friendly guy told me his name - Louis - and said, "I've been through that too. Caroline can throw random tantrums and then she gets really dangerous. I'm sorry." Louis said and lifted up his shirt. 
I stared at his body in shock. There was a very nasty scar from the left side of his ribs to the middle of his chest. "Her nails," he explained, "I just asked her how she was doing and apparently she had a bad day. She's not getting out anytime soon."

"I'm really sorry, but I have to go." I told him. If I didn't go now I might run into Sam and right now that was the last thing I wanted to do. 

The message I wrote, read: 

Hey Sam, I'm sorry but I have your keys and I'm going home on your motorcycle. I hope Caroline is okay, it's my fault that that happened. I shouldn't have told her the truth. I hope you have a way to get home and I hope you'll be fine. - Jessy.  

"Do you know Sam? He's Caroline's sister. If you see him, can you give him this? And tell him I'm sorry. Thank you."

Then I pushed the heavy door open, only now noticing that tears streamed down my face. Somehow I knew how to get the motorcycle started. Because my dad had one too, I knew how to steer this thing. As soon as I turned sixteen, he taught me the basics. Even with my trembling hands and legs, I managed to get home. 
I cried the whole way back. The pain, guilt and fear were too much for me to handle. My face hurt so bac, but that was not the worst thing.
I felt so guilty for leaving Sam alone with her. And I was afraid. Sam would be mad at me and would never want to speak to me again. Now that I finally considered him a friend, I had to go ahead and ruin it. 

The moment I got home my knees gave way. I fell on the ground and started crying again. I cried my eyes out. My mum probably heard that and she came running up to me. It must have been upsetting and very dramatic, me sitting on the ground bawling my eyes out.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
My mum only called me 'baby' when she was really concerned about me.
"Just leave me alone, it's nothing." I said, because that's what I wanted to believe. I just wanted to wallow in my self-pity for a while and then forget all of this.
But when I looked up at her she gasped. "What happened to you?"
"It's nothing," I said again, because at the moment I felt nothing. My face was numb and so were my feelings. However, she told me to look in the mirror, and even though I didn't feel anything, my reflection shocked me. I had a scratch under my eye, my nose was covered in dried blood and my lip was swollen. Apparently Caroline had gotten a good hit on my nose, but it had started bleeding later on. 

After convincing my mother not to call a doctor, she grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. She pressed it against my eye once I'd washed off the dried blood. Some time had passed, and when the initial shock went down, the dizziness and the headaches started. 
"Now, what happened to you?" My mum asked and I wanted to lie so badly. However, she knew where I had been, so I told her the truth. As usual, my mum didn't judge, but only wanted to know about my feelings. Sometimes I really hated that, but now that was a quality I really appreciated. 

"I'm afraid that Sam will be mad at me," I told her my concerns and my phone buzzed. My mum grabbed it for me and I answered it with shaking hands. 
"Hi, I'm so, so, so sorry," I immediately said, at which Sam responded with, "It's okay. It should be me saying sorry. I'm home, how are you? You sound like your face is seriously messed up."
"How did you get home?" I asked, not wanting him to worry. I didn't need to make matters even worse. Sam sighed, "You're avoiding my question. So, how are you really?"
"I'm fine," I told him, "I can bring your motorcycle back right now if you want."
"No, I'm on my way to your house. See you in a few minutes."
Trying to protest was no option; he had already hung up.
I immediately ran up to my room to fix my face in the best way possible. Not wanting him to worry, I covered up the bruises with some concealer and smoothed out my hair. When I opened the door I immediately felt two arms around me. I pulled back, only to see Sam staring at me in shock. Apparently the attempt of making it seem like nothing had failed. Leading him to the couch we sat down. 

"I'm sorry," he kept apologizing, "That never should've happened. My sister may be messed up, but that didn't mean she had the right to attack you."
He then told me what happened after I'd left. It wasn't good, Caroline was now in solitary and she had to stay there for at least a week. I felt sorry for her, but also for Sam. This was all my fault. 
"Are you going to tell Luke?" he asked me, at which I disagreed. 
"Not yet. I still hope he's going to tell me one time."
Sam nodded and stood up. "Well, see you tomorrow I guess?"
No matter what happened, we still had school tomorrow. That was going to be tricky with my face all beaten up. I was not in the mood for questions, but my friend surely would question me about this. 
Just when I was about to close the door behind him, he stopped and handed me a sticky note. 

"Louis asked me to give you his number. I've known him for a while now and you should call him. They allow a limited use of cell phones in there, but you can always try. He's a very caring person and can worry about someone for a long time, so will you call him? I konw he has no one to talk to, and this is kind of a big deal to him."
"I will," I promised him and myself, "Thank you."
After closing the door I wondered what my friends were going to say about all of this. The thing I wanted to do most was to keep this a secret, but I learned that two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead...

How I hate him - ft. Luke Hemmings and 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now