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Waking up with a hangover was not my favorite thing to do by any means. The first thing I did was take a shower to wash the alcohol stench off me. I felt gross and tired, but the cold water woke me up a little. The headache was still there as I dried myself, and I was in desperate need for a coffee. 
Having no choice I put on the clothes I wore yesterday. My sweater smelt of smoke and my sneakers were not white anymore.
Walking downstairs I smelled the smell of pancakes coming my way. I peeked around the corner of the kitchen. Frank was making pancakes and humming to himself. He seemed to be fine, but now that I thought about it, I hadn't seen him drink alcohol all night.

"Good morning," he smiled at me, "Want a pancake?" 
The smell made my mouth water and I smiled. That counted like an answer apparently, because he placed a plate with three pancakes in front of me.
Remembering that I had to call my mum, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. It was almost dead, but I had just enough battery left to do so. Looking at the clock I realized that it was just before eleven. My parents were up already, and so I had a lot of unread texts. Most of them were sent by Luke though, and those I erased. 
Quickly calling my mum, I braced myself for a rant. However, that did not come. My mum was just very worried about me, and whenever she was worried, she would just be on the verge of crying. I preferred when people got mad at me: my mum crying was way worse. 
"Jess! Thank god, where are you?" My mum asked me and I could hear she was near breaking down. 
"I'm still at Frank and Damian's house. I just woke up, I'm so sorry, I should've called you earlier." I apologized, genuinely feeling bad. 
"Yes, you should have. Are you okay?" my mum asked me, to which I responded that I was. 
"Do you maybe want to talk to Frank? And mum, I promised to tell you why I left the hotel yesterday. I'll explain some of it later, but there are some things I just need to deal with on my own. Really, you wouldn't want to hear everything." I reassured her and handed my phone to Frank.
"Hi, this is Frank... no, Damian isn't here, he left for work already... Yes, she slept in another room and she's fine. I can come bring her back if you want? We were just eating breakfast... Okay, we will see you in half an hour, that should be possible... Thank you for trusting me. Bye." 
He hung up and found a charger in the back of the cupboard. He plugged it in, making sure that my phone would be partly charged by the time we left. I quickly finished my breakfast and chugged some coffee. Finding my tram ticket, we took the nearest tram to the hotel. The guys had been right: I wouldn't have been able to do this last night.
This proved that not all guys were like Luke: some had decency and I genuinely believed that Frank and Damian could be my friends if they had lived in Australia, or I in Amsterdam. 

Once my mum saw me, she gave me a big hug and she thanked Frank about a hundred times. "Now that I remember, Jessy told me you were planning on visiting the Rijksmuseum later today. I work there," Frank told my mum, "If you're able to be there around five, me or Damian can show you around."
My mum's eyes widened - she loved the idea of getting anything for less and she agreed. Frank then gave me a hug and told me he would see me later. 

When Frank was out of sight, my mum looked at me. "He's really nice and I'm so glad everything went well, but promise me you'll never, ever, ever do this again. Everyone was worried, and I'm sure Luke hasn't slept all night. He was so worried about you!" 
"Sure," I rolled my eyes, "About that... the reason I left the hotel yesterday was that Luke pissed me off. I don't believe I'm in the position to tell you what he did, he'll have to deal with that himself. The thing is, you remember how much I disliked him, right? Well, that's the case again. He broke my trust and that's not going to heal for a while." I told her and she told me she understood. That was just my mum: she knew I would tell her things if I wanted to, but this was really something Luke and I had to deal with on our own.  
Luke being worried, I couldn't believe that. Not after what he did. Sure, I might have overreacted too, but what he did was just unbelievable. He had crossed a line and no matter how much he wanted to make it up to me, that was going to take a lot. 
Once I arrived at my room I hugged my sister and thanked her for being understanding last night. I then did my hair and makeup. A little bit of eyeliner and mascara seemed good enough for today. A change of clothes did me good too. I put on a pair of highwaisted jeans, a black jumper and my pair of red Vans; that would do for today. 
When Luke saw me outside he smiled, but I ignored him. Happy wasn't exactly the word I would use right now. He might've been worried - which I doubted - but that didn't mean I could act like he didn't screw me over.
Damian and Frank were the first guys I saw when we set foot into the museum. They both waved at me, at which I waved back and smiled. Once we'd gotten our tickets (for less money of course), Damian told me that he had just finished his last tour and that he could show us around the museum. Frank was busy working the ticket office, which was a shame. I really wished that he could've gone with us too.
Once I'd explained who Damian was, our families immediately seemed to like him. Luke not included, of course.
As soon as Damian caught sight of Luke he asked me, "Is that that douchebag?" 
I nodded and Damian immediately told me to walk next to him, sometimes putting an arm around me to show me where to go. I was extremely happy he did so, and I couldn't help but to give Luke an evil look. Damian did too, and after a little walk with my family, Damian and I took off on our own. We let my family know we would meet them later, and unlike Luke, I would keep that promise.

"I'm getting a really bad vibe from Luke. I really don't like his attitude." Damian told me as we walked round the corner. 
"Tell me something I don't know," I rolled my eyes, "But enough about him. Where are we going?"
"Well, I thought you'd be the type to like the abstract paintings." Damian said. I was suprised to hear him say that because he was absolutely right. In school I was always most interested in the works of Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock. Even though I knew the 'Nachtwacht' was the most visited painting in the museum, it wasn't my thing. 

When Damian grabbed my hand, I didn't hesitate and didn't let go of his hand. For a little while I didn't have to care about Luke anymore, but where would I be without my bad luck?
Luke was in the same room at us. 
I wanted to avoid him immediately, so I pulled Damian along with me. I sat down on the stairs and Damian took a seat next to me. 
"I thought that maybe we could meet again this week? Like maybe drink something or something like that?"
"Sure," I didn't even need to think about my answer, "That'd be fun."
I didn't say yes just to make Luke jealous, but I really thought Damian was nice. It couldn't hurt to have a drink with him. 
After a while of just talking about everything and nothing, my family and the Hemmings family came walking towards us. "Okay, we've seen enough. Let's go drink something. Damian, are you coming with us?" My dad took me by surprise by asking that, but Damian declined. "I promised my parents I would have dinner with them later. Thank you for the offer." He smiled. 
"Can I give you my number?" he then asked me, and I handed him my phone. He typed in his number and called himself to make sure it worked, and then we went our own way. 
The moment we sat down, Luke pulled me up again and dragged me along with him.
"I really have to talk to you."
Rolling my eyes, I said, "Oh, go ahead then."

"Okay," Luke said, "Why the hell are you flirting with that guy? To make me jealous?"
"Don't blame him," I crossed my arms, "I am not trying to make you jealous. He's nice and caring, unlike you. I can hang out with him without worrying about if he's using me or not."
"I'm not using you! Why the hell would you think that?" He raised his voice at me. It was as if he was trying to scare you, but I wasn't afraid.
"Well, even though you kinda ruined my trust in guys, I'm sure Damian won't make out with a girl he doesn't even know by name, because he knows how to treat a girl, unlike you! He even had the decency to ask me out. Have you ever? No, because all you wanted to do was make out. You have no idea what it's like being loyal, you have no idea what it feels like being used. You're used to getting what you want, but for once, you're not getting it. At least not from me. I'm not someone you can easily mess around with."

"Jessy, what the fuck are you talking about? I don't make out with everyone I can get. You're special to me and you know that. I know I made a big mistake and I regret it, but please give me a chance."
"I'm sorry Luke," I somehow calmly stated, "But I can't. You have no idea how much you disgust me right now." I said and walked back, leaving Luke behind.

When Luke still wasn't back in an hour, Liz went to look for him. She later told me that she had found him crying on the stairs, and she asked me if I knew why. 
Of course I lied and said I didn't know, but I couldn't help thinking that maybe I really had hurt him.

How I hate him - ft. Luke Hemmings and 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now