~My Teacher Hits Me~

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Dedication: Special Thanks to my Awesome acquaintance/friend, Brooke, who made the trailer along the side.

A/N The rewritten and (hopefully) error free version of MTHM can be found in the external link.


Letter To: MR. Roger Kennedy

Letter From: Anonymous Subject

Dear Principal Kennedy, 

     My name is Rylan Winchester and I am a student here at Northville High. I'm writing this letter because I am afraid to come and talk to you out loud about this topic. There are so many walls with ears these days and I don't know who to trust anymore. I'm hoping I can trust you, because you are the principal. So you should want the best for your students.

     I recently moved to New Jersey a few months back so I know you don't know me as well as you might other students. When I came to Northville, I was just entering the ninth grade; my first year of high school. It was an exciting event for me. It still is. However, I am regrettably not writing this letter to tell you how great Northville High is. 

    One of my teachers, whom I won't name here in this letter except to refer to him as "the X," has been hurting students. I'm speaking on their behalf because they are too afraid or stubborn to speak out themselves. I'm not totally fearless either.

    That's because I am one of the students whom the X has been hurting. The X is a bad teacher and I don't understand why no one does anything to stop the X even when they see what the X does. I've done lots of research and I know that the X is part of the teacher's union which I believe is protecting the X. This means it will be difficult to get rid of the X. But you are the principal, so there must be something you can do.

    Please, for the sake of your students, help me help you. You'd be removing a bad teacher and your students would be safe from any further harm. To talk with me further on this subject, please do not hesitate to contact me outside school grounds.

 P.S. If you send a return letter, please have it sent to Anonymous Subject.

Sincerely, Rylan Winchester


Letter To: Anonymous Subject

Letter From: MR. Roger Kennedy

Dear Miss Winchester, 

     I am sorry to hear all you have had to endure and I offer my sympathy to you and the other students. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do for you or your fellow students. Evidence on cases like this takes time to put together. But I promise you that I only have the interests of my students at heart. Thank you for notifying me of this issue and I will contact you if I have any further questions.

 Sincerely Principal Kennedy


Thanks for taking the time to read this. I was inspired by a documentary about corruption in New Jersey public schools called "The Cartel." I encourage you to watch it.

This story is based on a teacher mentioned in the documentary, but I have changed a lot about the person, such as what they teach and the characteristics of their abuse to the children. Also, these characters are purely fictional as is the school.

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