chapter 17 Guardian Miracle

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Dedicated @dedette0809

"Where did she go ?" Rina asked herself as she gazed around the crowds looking for her friends . With a sigh she sat down on an empty table . Playing mindless with the green stone necklace around her neck .

"My my, your still quite the same, no matter however you change. Sill an obedient loyal friend ." A voice said from behind Rina, gasping out in surprise Rina turned her head to the voice to meet the gaze of a pair of emerald eyes .

"May I sit with you ?" The beautiful women in front of her said . Noding her head in awe Rina gazed at the women sitting in front of her . Her hair was in a vibrant red flame color, styled in waved down to her bottom. Her skin pale and healthy looking, red painted lips. she had a slim figure wearing a black sleeveless dress with a split on the sides going up to her hips . Wearing black shell earings and a black sea shell necklace .

"Nice to see you again ." The girl in front of her said making Rina more confused .

"Have we seen each other before ?" Rina asked the girl confused . Gasping out as the girl reached out with her long red nails cupping the side of her face as she brushed Rina 's hair from her face .

"Would you like to know ?" The girl asked Rina her eyes slowly clouding, being drained from emotions and put into deep sleep only leaving behind an empty husk.

"Now then, shall we go ?" The girl asked with a smirk staring into Rina's dull eyes .


Gazing out the window Gaito and Kaito 's eyes widen as they watched the sky above the ocean suddenly darken . The trees swaying furiously as the wind suddenly picked up.

"What's going on ?" Kaito asked as he stared at the scene before him with wide eyes .

"It must be them again ." Gaito confirmed with narrowed eyes .


Breathing heavily Seira and Lacie ran in behind Nikora though the windy storm as they made their way to the aqua building. Worried Nikora gazed at the two young girls running behind her . Lacie clenching on to her music box with a tight grip afraid to let go .

I hope this works . Nikora thought as they continued making there way to the aqua building .


"Their on their way ." Kaito said as he walked back to the two .

"Now what ?" Gaito asked turning to Wish who frowned before smirking .

"Put on a show so no one notices ." Wish said shifting through the crowd before they could question him .

"What do you think he means ?" Kaito asked his brother who seemed to glare with his eyes in the direction Wish left .

"I don't know, I don't trust him ." Gaito said honestly crossing his arms .

"Why do you say that ?" Kaito asked in confusion .

"Because , he keeps to many secrets and also because I've noticed him visiting Hazuki secretly this whole time . There's no telling what he's planing . "

"Hazuki ? What would he want with her ?" Kaito asked him before the sound of music playing interrupted there conversation and Wish appeared on stage .

night's wish ." He whispered before a bright stage like light surrounded him .

When your feeling insure

When your about to cry ,

Try to just look up

For just a little bit

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