chapter 18 Twilight

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Glaring at the opposite wall, her grip tightened on the fragile wine glass in her hands . With a growl she threw the glass against the wall staining it red before the wine rained down on the wall to the floor .

"Wolf !" She yelled out in rage before a figure emerged from thin air a distance away on one knee with a hand placed over his heart , his head bowed as his white top hat stayed on his head .

"Yes, queen Dyspear ?" He asked her grinning keeping his gaze down .

"Have any of your brothers found him yet ?" Dyspear asked angrily pacing back and forth in front of the white stone throne .

" seems he's either in hiding or he's on land at the moment ." Wolf said with a frown gazing up to meet Dyspear 's raging eyes ,shaking in slight fear before quickly gazing back down .

"How can this have happened ! How ?! We were so close to getting our revenge !" Dyspear yelled out with a bit of vulnerability.

"Queen Dyspear..."Wolf said before a sound boomed though the walls as the doors slammed .

"What going on here ? You woke me up from my beauty sleep ." A voice demanded in an annoyed tone as the sound of heels neared . Gazing up Wolf 's eyes widen at the sight of the person .

"You but you-"

"What are you doing out of bed ?" Dyspear cut off Wolf as she sighed frowning .

"I'm bored of being in my room ." The girl said crossing her arms as she threw back her silver hair behind her back .

"So...did you get the aurora pearl mermaid ?" She asked Dyspear her eyes eyes narrowing not carrying if she was disrespectful .

"Yes we did, but it seems she didn't have nor the aurora pearl nor the black pearl with her . She didn't even seem to remember her mermaid side . " Dyspear said brushing back her dark red hair back .

"Two split personalities, one not even aware of the other . It has Fuyuki, all over it ." The girl sneered at the mention of Fuyuki 's name before her eyes widen staring up at Dyspear in shock .

"Nee-San , you promised me a pearl! I want a pearl !" The girl yelled out like a spoiled child . Smirking Dyspear walked down the steps brushing passed Wolf. Stopping in front of her she reached out cupping the side of the girl 's face .

"And you will, I already have Sakura and Yuki visiting there nee-san . Everything will be fine, all of it will work out and we'll have our revenge ." Dyspear said with a grin her eyes clouding with a evil excited glint . Frowning the girl sighed brushing away Dyspear 's hand turning away .

"I want that pearl ." The girl told her before walking away . Smirking after her Dyspear, chuckled before turning back to Wolf .

"Keep an eye on my little sister today, Wolf . And tell ,Bat to keep an eye on our new little guest ." Dyspear said before she laughed out walking away .

"Yes, my queen . "  Wolf said with a bow , stopping she turned her head sideways glazing over to him .

"Another thing . Tell those three sisters to cause some mischief with the mermaid princess to keep those knights and guardian occupied . Tell your brother,Snake to look for our king, he must return ." She ordered him before walking out of the throne room .

"Yes, my queen ."


"It's you !" Lacie said astonished as she saw the person standing in front of her .

"Lacie !" Kaito yelled out appearing in front of her as  a shield .

"Ah, it's you ." Wish said as he approach the two with Gaito, Seira and Nikora behind him .

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