chapter 19

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"Lady Twilight !" Wolf yelled out as he rushed through the empty dark hallways . Feeling relieved as he heard the sound of a violin playing in the distance . Making his way out into the indoor garden he let out a tired sigh. Sitting on top of one columns she had her eyes closed shut as she played on the violin in her hands .

"Lady Twilight !" Wolf yelled out feeling relieved to finally have found her . With a sharp sounding halt of the violin her eyes snapped open. Her cold dull red eyes gazing over at him with a frown .

"What is it this time, wolfy ." She asked him gazing over her shoulder down at him . Seeing the dull look in her red eyes he couldn't help but blush at the dark beauty of it .

"Queen Dyspear, would like to see you ." Wolf told her keeping his eyes on hers before she turned her head away standing up .

"Tell her you didn't find me ." Twilight told him before she disappeared without giving him even a second to respond to her words . In shock and disbelief he gazed at the spot where she had been standing before falling on his knees .

"Queen Dyspear is going to kill me."


"I see so,Twilight has appeared too ." Keira said with a frown as she rubbed her chin with a deep in thought .

"Ano, Keira ? Do you by any chance know why Twilight would side with her sister . You were there with her that night weren't you ?" Lacie shyly asked as she sat across from her . They had all went back to Gaito 's house after they found out that Fuyuki 's sisters had taken the black pearl along with the disappearance of Hazuki .

"I was there with her that night, but we got separated from each other when she went after Rima that night. She was always did favour Rima more than the rest of us . Even more than her own sister ."  Keira sighed out running her fingers through her hair .

"Who's Rima ?" Luchia asked curiously sitting besides Kaito who had remained silent since they arrived .

"Rima is the guardian of Rina 's kingdom ." Lacie explained with a small smile , Rina 's eyes widen in shock at the news .

"That would explain why the names are so similar. Where is she now ?" Hanon asked them hesitating Lacie turned to Keira who let out another sigh sitting up .

"No one knows, like I said the last time I saw Twilight was with Rima. That was also the last time I saw Rima." Keira told them before standing up making her way to the out the balcony . Making it clear she didn't want to speak of this anymore .

"Please be patient with her, the of the war against the Panthalassa clan resulted in many of the guardians being placed into a deep slumber . Keira 's twin sister included . " Flora explained to them with a same bitter frown as she gripped on to her hands a bit more .

"Can you please explain to us more what's going on ?" Rina asked standing against one of the walls with her arms crossed . Nodding her head and let out a deep breath before she carefully put her words together .

"As you know our story of how the seven kingdoms came to be . A long time ago in the beginning it all after our late queen separated the pearl into two , the black pearl and the aurora pearl . She chose seven mermaids from each kingdom who were the strongest not alone in strength but with their heart she summoned them to the sea temple. When she did she used her power over the aurora pearl to gift them their own individual talents .

Each mermaid was crowned guardians and protectors of their kingdoms as time went on those mermaids guided over their kingdoms with peace and beauty . The queen later on had seven children with the powers of the seven seas pearls and they grew up to become the princesses of the seven  seas .  The guardians remanded protectors of the seas as the princess ruled justify .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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