chapter 3 : new mermaid ?

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pov : Sara

" Gaito come on we have to go to the store and buy a few stuff ." I called out waiting by the door.

" okay !" he screamed excited as he rushed over with a huge smile on his face . I smiled back before opening the door letting him pass before I walked out locking the door behind me .

" come on Sara !" he yelled waving over at me .

" hai ." I said as I started walking catching up to him looking one gaze at back at the house before I started walking with Gaito to the store . it had already been days since we moved here . Ever thing feels so perfect  I had even gotten a job at a flower shop. Gaito seemed to have gotten used to living here. We still avoid being seen by Luchia and the others . It just wasn't time for them to find out yet .

" Sara do you think she's okay ? " Gaito asked in a worried voice I looked down at him as he kept his eyes on the ground . Cleodora had been resting in her room since we had arrived here . Gazing down at him with a bitter sweet smile.

" I'm sure she's alright ." I said he looked up giving me a smile . I really do hope she's okay.


pov : ??

A laugh was heard through out the whole room . A figure sat down on a throne like chair  half his face covered by shadows as he laughed once more gazing across the room where a large stone crystal stood . Smirking as an idea came to mind.

" Cordelia ." The stranger said as another figure appeared before him bowing to him . The girl's long purple hair went to her knees as she wore a black dress that went down to the floor . ( just imagine Cordelia from diabolik lovers since she seemed fit for this part in my story as a character )

" I want you to go and cause some mischief ." He said as he smirked looking down at the girl . She looked up at him smirking at him.

" yes, your highness ." She  said before she disappeared into thin air . Gazing back at the crystal he stared at something inside it with a amused expression .

" Ah my little bird shall what will happen now I wonder ." He said smirking laughing into the darkness.


Pov :  Cleodora

I opened my eyes as I found myself surrounded in the ocean sea .My eyes widen as I  gazed  at the person floating in front of me .

"  Umiko Nanami, is something the matter ?" I asked her seeing the troubled expression on her face .

" It seems something is about to happen ." She said in a sad tone 

" I had hoped it wouldn't come to this but ..." She said in a depressed tone looked at her for a long time in silence before I smiled at her .

" I want to help you've already done a lot for me, I want to help you too." I told her with a smile, smiling back at me she extended her arms as a small blinding light appeared before her . 

" Thank you, my friend . With this I will gift you the pearl of wishes, the Arurora pearl . " She said as she placed her warm hands on my shoulder she she leaned her forehead against mine sending warmth throughout me .

" thank you so much ." She said as I slowly lost conscious. when I woke up I found myself laying on the sea floor I looked down at my self as I found my legs had been replaced my a long white and very light purple tail and on the end part  of my tail was in different colors like an arura ,my hair still the same a pale white blonde color with pale purple at the ends going down to the end of my tail . I wore a dark purple kind of top that sparkled  tied on my right shoulder . I wore two colored pearl bracelets around my right wrist ,a light purple white band around my upper left arm ,  two pearl bracelets around my tail a crown made of green vines with purple shells hanging of it , and my necklace with the pearl.( like the mermaid on the right end of the cover but with much longer hair .)

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