chapter 5

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pov : Gaito

Far off in the deep blue ocean a mermaid sat on a large rock as tears streamed down her face . The water made her hair sway sound her as she sat there very still ,her hair as long as her self.  Pearls and different  colored flowers in her hair . A band like crown around her forehead made of a thin silver chain.
In her small hands she held a small silver music box decorated with pearls and blue jewels. Watching with a smile as two tiny figures danced on the small little platform .

" what a beautiful melody ." she said as she closed her eyes smiling as a beautiful memory passed through her mind .

" such a warm feeling ." she said as she hugged the music box to her chest as she smiled .

" lyrics , lyrics this melody needs words to company this songs ." she said as she remembered the memory more clearly.

" A song to show my love for sea , for my children , for my love , for everyone ." she added smiling as she held out her arms as if she were going to hug someone . Seven bright colored light appeared in front of her .Smiling a loving smile as she stared at the lights she closed her eyes humming a lullaby as a mother would to her child .

" let this song always give happiness to others . "


slowly opening my eyes I looked around the place . I'm back how did I get back ? That mermaid in my dreams . who was she ?

" oh Gaito your awake already ." A voice said looking up I say Sara walking in from the balcony . I smiled nodding my head my smile widen when I saw Cleodora walking in behind her .

" Cleodora ! " I yelled out happily crushing over into her open arms . Slowly she wrapped her arms around me I could smell a faint smell of the ocean on her it seem to relax me .

" Gaito are you alright ?" she asked in a worried tone pushing  me off a little to take a look at me . Smiling I shook my head wrapping my arms around her .

" no I'm fine ." I told her she looked relieved about it gentle smiling as she petted my head her eyes widen as she spotted something .

" Gaito what's that ? in your hand ?" she asked me confused I looked down at my hand as a small glow appeared from between my fingers as I held something .

" huh ? I found this in the ocean before I lost conscious ." I told her as I showed her my closed hand opening as a small glowing piece of something . huh what's this ? looking back I remembered something before I lost conscious ~ ( added this part )

A bright light appeared from far off as I slowly lost conscious something slowly made its way over to me . My vision was getting blurry I could feel as something caressed my cheek and forehead .

" take this ." A sweet gentle voice said as the a small bright light appeared in front of me . I reached up in front of grasping it in my arms the voice said something else but couldn't understand what it  said  before finally losing conscious .


" this ... this is ..." Cleodora said as she struggled to find words to use as she reached her hands out gently taking it out of my hand . The glow shined even brighter around her blowing her hair and dress all over as if a wild wind was blowing on them. Her shell locket opened up as the glowing object absorbed itself in her pearl .

"What was that ?" Sara asked her as the light disappeared.

"I think that was a shard of my pearl." Cleodora muttered placing her hand over the locket .

"After the accident long ago I injured my pearl almost shattering it completely . A few shards must had fallen off during in incident ." Cleodora said taking off her locket as she showed us her pale colored pearl . Cracks seen all around the pearl .

"My one regret. " She whispered before smiling at us gently.

"But because of it, I met both of you. "She said with  a bright warming smile, my heart jumped at the sight of it as I felt my face heat up .

" Sara ? what's the matter ?" Cleodora asked her as she slowly walked over to her gently pacing her hand on Sara 's forehead .

" Oh good it doesn't seem like you have a fever or anything . You must just be tired it's been a long way after all ." She said in a soft tone carefully brushing away the hair from her face .

"You should get some sleep both of you ." She added turning to stare at both of us .

" What about you ?" Sara asked Cleodora in a slight worried tone as she watched her carefully

" I guess I'll go get some sleep as well ." she answered her with a small shrug of her shoulders. 

" I'll take care of your locket while your asleep ." she told her I frowned remembering she still wasn't whole she still needs to sleep inside the pearl . I wish I could do something ...

" okay . good night Sara Gaito ." she whispered before she disappeared inside the pearl . good night  I thought to her with that smile .

" come on Gaito it's late already ." Sara said already walking out of the room carrying Cleodora 's necklace around her neck along with her own.  huh ?

" No fair Sara , you two are becoming so close already without me ." I whined at her she only stopped for a few seconds with the look as if she wanted to say something but stopped herself smiling before turning her head away from me . huh ? huh ? what's going on ?! no fair ! their keeping secrets !

" hurry up Gaito I'm turning off the light ." Sara said seconds  before the room got dark all of a sudden .  I shivered looking around the room . nothing ... there so nothing here ... s so t there is is nothing to be af afraid o of .  I gasped as I heard the of a tapping on the balcony . °~°  ° ~°'  T ~ T

" Sara - Chan ! you baka !  you know I hate the dark !" I yelled out rushing out of the room crying  . Baka ! Sara -chan ! 



Pov : ??

Laughing the stranger hugged the water tank .

" ah  I love you .. I love you ..."

".so beautiful .. how could you have left me alone like that ?" He asked blushing as he traced the face of a figure inside the tank . he suddenly glared making a screeching sound as his nails scratched the glass but made to mark .

" don't worry soon you'll be back where you belong ... next to me ." he said closing his eyes as he planted his lips against the glass .

" I love you .. my little sea jewel ." he whispered  detached his  lips from the glass opening his eyes . sadness shown clearly in his eyes .

" my sea jewel ."



sorry if it sucks but I was trying to finish a bit fast since I hadn't updated in a long time . well sorry for the late update and hope you liked it :) and if you have any ideas for a name for her it would be very helpful  thank you . and also thank you for reading my story.

see you all soon ^ -^ 


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