Chapter 1

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Star's POV:

The sun blared through the windows causing me to groan as I opened my eyes and rolled out of bed onto the floor. Then I thought about how I would be with my best friend, Marco. He's like the best thing to ever happen to me. Without him, I probably wouldn't be alive right now. I quickly ran around my room and managed to get on my mint green dress on with a jellyfish in the middle(Don't judge me that's how I see it okay). I rushed out of my room and knocked on Marco's door, as usual, I heard a thud as he fell to the floor in surprise. 

I giggled at his silliness and waited patiently, for him to open the door and yell at me yet again. The door slowly opened,"Surprise! Good morning, did you sleep well? I did and I don't think I sleepwalked because there was no weird magic stuff around my room." I spoke at a completely normal speed, but Marco didn't look like he heard a word. I just continued to look at him waiting for the yelling to start, but it didn't come. All he did was give me a muffled good morning and walk right past me to go downstairs. I gave him a concerned glance, but he didn't even look back at me. I skipped after him, still a bit worried,"Marco, did you not sleep well or something, your acting a little strange. "No, I'm okay star. In fact, I had the best night sleep I've had in days. That's why I didn't yell at you this morning, sorry if i worried you." I gave a sigh of relief and sat down to get some breakfast,

"Happy 87th day on Earth, Star!" My cereal flew out of my mouth in shock, I knew it was the usual celebration they did for me every morning but I was used to it when I came down the stairs, not while I was eating my breakfast. As I recovered from my shock, a piece of cake was put down in front of me and glitter bombs were exploded in my face. A huge smile came over my face as I jumped up and tightly hugged them both, I grabbed Marco and brought him into the hug, not wanting him to be left out."THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!"

Marco seemed uncomfortable, but that was how I knew it was him most of the time. When I let them go it was already time to go to school. "Well, bye guys! Have a great day!" I yelled at them and Marco began our short walk to school. He seemed to be bothered by something, some being the great friend I am, decided to found out what it was,"Marco, are you okay? You seem a little out of it."

"Star, seriously we've only been out of the house five seconds and you're already thinking there's something wrong with me. I'm fine,  just still a bit groggy from when you woke me up yet again. I'm used to it now so it's not as bad, but it's still really annoying-" Marco was cut off when a bell went in the distance and caused him to pale and look about ready to faint. I then realized it was the school bell, at the same time we began running hoping to be in class before anyone noticed that we were gone.

"Well, what do we have here, Star Butterfly?!"

 I really hoped you guys enjoyed it. If you want more please vote and comment and hope to write for you again soon

Cherry Mallow-feather

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