unwelcome guest

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melanie hopped on my back and we all began the journey back. it's funny, i was complaining about the long walk to our original destination. i would do anything to have only that stupid idea to worry about.

how was i supposed to tell the others what happened? i told tyler i would make sure ryan came back. now the tables turned, it's gonna look like i followed along with dallons plan and i went against tyler.

"i should be trying to get my girlfriend back, not waiting around with you assholes." melanie mumbled.
"if it wasn't for us assholes you would've died where you were." i explained to her in a sarcastic tone.

patrick didn't say anything while we were walking back. he just looked down to the ground while walking.

"how you doing, pat?" i wondered.
he looked up and shrugged. i'm worried about him. he might blame himself for what happened with ryan, and he shouldn't.

the only person really to blame is me.

we were finally close enough to the hideout, notice how i never call it home? because this place filled with psychotic killers and it's not a place to call home.

melanie started getting too comfortable on my back i thought she had fallen asleep,
"we're here." i told her.
"great." she sighed sarcastically.

patrick opened up the pothole and i figured out a way to get mel down without her getting hurt,
"i'll drop down first and patrick you'll help drop her down." i planned.

they both nodded and i made sure patrick helped her stand on her one good leg i dropped down into the place. once i was down, patrick helped mel down and i caught her bridal style. well if this didn't look weird, the next part just put the cherry on the cake.

she wrapped her arms around my neck loosely and started to make herself more comfortable, patrick dropped down next to us and closed the pothole behind us.

and just our luck, everyone was waiting for us right there. brendon got an immediate look of worry as he saw ryan wasn't with us. pete hugged patrick and after all that, they all stared at me as i was holding melanie.

"well well well... if it isn't the crybaby who left us after shit hit the fan." dallon walked towards us.
"go fuck yourself dallon." melanie spat.

"now now no need to treat our guest like that." tyler told dallon.
"wait what?!" dallon was confused.

"w-where's ryan?" brendon asked me in a confused and panicked tone.
i gulped loudly and i looked over at patrick who didn't know what to say either with his cheeks burning red.

"mcr is back..." patrick said softly.

tylers facial expression finally changed from cool and collected to a mix of anger and confusion.
"they...they took ryan." i finally managed to let out.

brendon froze in place, but quickly began to try and rave up the ladder. dallon and pete pulled him down but he was fighting back with fury.

"RYAN!" he cried as he finally gave up trying to climb up the ladder.
tyler turned away and stormed into his room, loudly shutting the door behind him.

dallon stood up from helping brendon and he looked at mel,
"this is your fault, isn't it?" he tried pinning blame.
"none of this is my fuckin' fault dipshit." she spoke with venom dripping off every word.

"after hearing about mcr, tyler probably won't want you staying here." dallon tried to give fake sympathy.

"she's staying with me, whether you like it or not." i spoke up and firmly told him.

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