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Your PoV

My breath rings in my ears, my feet pounding against the tiled floor of the grocery store. I can still hear Ms. Bell's shrill voice calling to me, promising punishment behind its uncannily calm sound.

My feet slip as I round another corner, bursting into another aisle. I fall to the slick white tiles, catching myself with my hands.

Ms. Bell screams my name again.

Startled, I jolt into a run. I pass the baking aisle, the pasta aisle, and the freezer aisles in attempt to get as far away from her voice as possible. Other customers glance my way as I hurry past, not bothering to speak to me.

I pause as I pass an aisle with napkins and paper towels and such, ducking inside to sit down for a moment, to catch my breath. Ms. Bell seems far enough away to take a minute to myself.

Someone passes me from above, and I lift my head to see them. A little blonde boy clutching a package of tissues and his mother stand in front of me, as the boy looks on with interest.

The mother quickly pulls the boy away, murmuring something in his ear.

I sigh to myself, glancing down at my dusty hands. It's then that I realize Ms. Bell isn't shouting anymore.

She must have gotten a grip on herself and realized that other people were around.

Or, I think, it must have crossed her mind that I can hear her dumb voice from half a mile away. She's being quiet so I won't know where she is.

I ponder this for a moment, then stand up.

As soon as I do, Ms. Bell jumps out from behind the bend of the napkin aisle, setting me off. I scream, throwing whatever I could get my hands on (paper products, not quite as effective as I wished), and took off once more, her flaming red heels hot on my trail.

I ducked and swerved, desperately trying to avoid her, but at this point it almost looks like she'll catch me after all. I take an unexpected lead and plunge into the condiments aisle.

"Oof!" I whisper as I slam into someone head-on, the wind knocked from my lungs.

I look up just in time to see a short skeleton in a shorts and a sweatshirt pull me from the floor.

"woah, kiddo, where are you going?" he asks in a friendly manner, watching me hastily brush myself off.

"I- I gotta-" I stammer, pointing toward the entrance of the aisle. "Ms. Bell's gonna-"

"oh, so you're that runaway kid?" he says, picking up his items that had fallen to the floor when I'd bumped into him. "is that your mom?"

By now, I've caught my breath again, and I really need to get out of here.

"You're not going to tell her where I am, are you?" I ask quickly. "She's not my mom, I swear. I think that lady I saw earlier told her I was in the paper aisle and then she found me-"

The skeleton cuts me off, unzipping his blue sweatshirt to reveal a white turtleneck underneath.

"don't worry, kid," he assures me, handing me the jacket. "i've got you covered. just stand still and put that on. she'll never find you."

"Is this an invisiblity cloak or something?" I start to protest, but he puts a finger to his lips instead of answering. He places a hand on my shoulder.

Suddenly, I'm halfway across the store, back in the napkin aisle. I glance around, wondering what just happened, and spot a bathroom.

I guess I could hide out in there, and hope for the best.

I take another quick survey of the area, and make a break for the restrooms.

Goodnight, Kiddo... (Adopted by Sans! Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now