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Your PoV

Not long after we've settled down at the table together, the dishes washed, the soup simmering on the stove, Papyrus bursts through the front door and sweeps (G/n) off her seat.

"HOW WAS EVERYTHING WHILE I WAS GONE?" he asks, embracing his girlfriend tightly. "IT SMELLS GOOD IN HERE! WHAT HAVE YOU MADE?"

"Soup," (G/n) replies as he gently sets her on the ground, "and a surprise. We'll show you after dinner."

She stands on her tiptoes and peeks into the large soup pot. "It's just about ready. Why don't you guys go wash up while I dish it out?"

Sans, Papyrus, and I all flock to the kitchen sink to wash our hands. Papyrus removes his red gloves, revealing hands of perfectly white bone. I pull up the arms of Sans's sweatshirt, dipping my hands in the steady stream of water once he's finished, and Sans courteously gives me the kitchen towel before washing his own.

"Do you want your sweatshirt back?" I ask his as we sit down.

He shrugs indifferently. "eh, it doesn't matter to me. you can keep it on if it's comfy."

"But it's your sweatshirt," I insist, undoing the zipper. "Aren't you cold?"

"Sans looks different without it," (G/n) adds, coming over to the table with a steaming bowl in each hand. "Eat up this time, okay (Y/n)?"

I nod gratefully as she sets a bowl in front of me. After retrieving the other two bowls, she brings four spoons from a drawer so we can eat.

"How is it?" she asks us a minute later.

Sans nods, sipping his hot soup from the silvery metal spoon. "pretty good."

Papyrus agrees immediately. "IT'S WONDERFUL!"

I stir my soup around, checking out its contents. I spy a round slice of carrot, and scoop it up.

(G/n) smiles. "Thanks, guys," she says. "(Y/n) helped with dinner and dessert, so thank her, too."

Sans and Papyrus both lock eyes with me, giving me their compliments as well.

I try to match (G/n)'s flattering, flowery smile. "I hope you like dessert, too," I say mysteriously. (G/n) grins to herself.

Sans looks up. "okay, since papy's home now, why don'tcha tell us what it is?"

(G/n) glances at me, her smile melting into a mischevious smirk. "No can do. You'll have to be patient."

He groans, pretending to be in pain. "patience... my biggest weakness."

"THAT AND NAPS," Papyrus remarks.

We share a laugh, then focus back on our nearly-finished meals, chatting lightly. I can tell the skelebros want to know what the surprise is, but (G/n) and I enjoy torturing their innocent spirits too much to let our secret go just yet.

At last, we finish our soup. (G/n) washes the dinner dishes, sets them on a rack to dry, and pours four cups of coffee, setting the mood for dessert.

"Even if you don't drink coffee," (G/n) says to me, "it's nicer to have the scent next to you. It's calming, to me. And besides, it goes with the dessert." She winks playfully.

She goes into the fridge and takes out the pan we baked the cake in, takes off the cellophane wrap, and cuts it into several pieces, putting one on each of four plates. When she finally comes around to the table with them, the first two plates go to Sans and Papyrus, who take the chance to get the first bites.

"delicious, kitty," Sans mumbles through a mouthful. "and (y/n) helped?"

"Yes," (G/n) replies, setting a plate in front of me as she sits down.


"Coffee cake," I say, tasting it for myself. (G/n)'s method was to put half of the batter on the bottom of the baking dish, creating a layer that went to each corner, and then sprinkling a mixture of brown and white sugars, chopped pecans, melted butter, and a pinch of salt over top. After that she put the rest of the batter, and then the remainder of the sugary mixture, and put it in the oven to bake. We all helped ourselves, and when the meal was over, we were all full to bursting.

"ahh," Sans exhales, petting his nonexistent tummy. "that hit the spot. you two need to be left in the house together more often."

(G/n) laughs. "We'll have plenty of time. Right, (Y/n)?"

I nod quickly. "Yeah, for sure."

Papyrus looks at the oven clock, and says that it's probably time to start settling down and getting ready for bed. I sit on the couch as he and (G/n) do the dishes again, soon joined by Sans.

"how you feeling, kid?" he asks, switching on the tv.

I pull the blanket I'd been using earlier around me. "Better, I guess."

Sans nods, flipping between channels. "listen, i know you're uneasy about everything that's going on, right?"

"Yeah..." I trail off, feeling the impending words slam into me before he even says them.

He gives a bit of a sigh, sinking into the confort of the couch. "we'll go up tomorrow, you and me, and straighten this out. this is probably slightly illegal, keeping an orphaned human in our home."

"Yeah." I respond resignedly. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have even helped me in the first place."

Sans glances at me. "why's that?"

"Because then I wouldn't have to say goodbye," I mumble, as to my horror, my eyes begin to fill with tears. "I-I'm gonna miss you, Sans."

"aw, don't say that," he soothes me, leaning over to give me a hug. "it'll turn out all right, promise. why don'tcha go get ready for bed now, kiddo?"

I push back my hair as I rise from the couch, calling goodnight to the couple in the kitchen. I look back at Sans when I reach the stairs, but he isn't looking at me anymore. I guess I'll never know what that skeleton's thinking.

Edit: If anyone wants that coffee cake recipe mentioned above, I happen to have made it several times and I wouldn't mind giving it to anyone who wanted it...

(it tastes really good, promise)

Goodnight, Kiddo... (Adopted by Sans! Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now