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Your PoV

I lazily open my eyes the next morning, gentle sunlight entering the window around the heavy curtains and just barely spilling into my face. I sit myself up and yawn, stretching, feeling the stresses and worries of nonadopted life draining away. I walk to the window and open it, taking a deep breath of fresh air. The chilly breeze outside makes me shiver, the curtains dancing behind me.

"This is great," I sigh to myself, lying down on the bed again. The clock next to me read 11:28 in burning white letters. I could sleep until noon if I wanted to. Today I wanted to.

I curled up next to the pillow, my thoughts silent and my head clear. Random tangents from last night's happenings float around, and it's then I remember the concussion.

Unsure what to do or if I hurt myself at all in the process of standing and walking or rolling off the bed, I sit up again. Then I lie back down.

"Sans?" I call, worry settling in my stomach. "Can you come help me?"

A knock at the bedroom door startles me. Sans opens the door and peeks inside before entering.

"what's up, kid?" he asks, sitting beside me on the bed. "we kept waking you, but how'd you sleep?"

"Fine," I respond. "I don't remember that. I just wanted to make sure I could get up and stuff."

Sans leans over, putting the back of his hand to my forehead.

"i think you're okay," he murmurs. "it's not like we're going to let you run around or anything, but i think you'll be all right for today. if anything happens, we can always just walk it over to hotland again."

My shoulders tense, and I bow my head a little. "Sorry, Sans."

He nudges me, proving it was a joke, and lets me sit up.

"you're okay, (y/n)," he assures me. "i'll help you downstairs. you might want to have breakfast before (g/n) leaves, 'cause then after that you're outta luck."

"Where's she going?" I ask, greeting the aforementioned as we come down the staircase.

"the store," Sans replies simply. "and paps already went to work. it's just gonna be you and me for a little while, kiddo."

"Mei's coming with me," (G/n) explains. "There is a plate of eggs in the fridge, have Sans warm them up, and some bread's out somewhere so you can make toast. We'll be back in about an hour unless Sans thinks he can make lunch for you both... I'd like to take Mei shopping for clothes."

"go ahead, kitty," Sans agrees. "we're just spending a lazy day here anyway. take all the time you need."

(G/n) smiles. "Thanks, Sans!" She takes Mei by the hand and walks purposefully up to him. Sans touches her shoulder, and she and Mei abruptly disappear.

I shake my head in disbelief. "I'll never get used to that."

Sans flops on the couch, looking extremely tired. "can you handle breakfast? i'm not sure i can stay awake long enough."

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

He grins at me, telling me there's nothing to worry about. "i just get sleepy 'cause it takes strength to get (g/n) and mei topside. i'll be better in a little while, just take it easy for me."

And with that, Sans ends off the meaningful conversation with a snore.

Now by myself, I walk into the kitchen to find what (G/n) said I could make for breakfast. I put some toast in the toaster and grab some butter to spread on it, setting it on the counter to soften until needed. The eggs are scraped back into a frying pan, rejuvenated with some butter and oil and are eventually hot enough again to eat. I bring my plate into the living room, sitting on the floor with my back against the couch to eat.

I turn on the tv, which is on the news channel. Currently broadcasting is a story on interracial adoption.

That's Ms. Bell, I immediately think. I change the channel with the remote, switching to something called MTT. A robot was the star of the show, but I couldn't really pay attention. There was too much on my plate.

"Get it?" I whisper to nobody in particular. "On my plate?"

I laugh to myself, feeling the pun fever course through my veins. It's honestly a shame Sans didn't hear that. I watch television for a while longer before Sans wakes up, finishing my breakfast. I stretch out on the floor, sighing contentedly as I relax.

"how's your ankle doin'?" Sans whispers, turning on his side.

I glance down at the cast, then back up at Sans. "I'm fine."

He stretches, letting out a big yawn. "you eat?"

"Yeah, did you?" I respond. He nods, mumbling something about MTT.

"what should we do now?" he asks, sitting himself up. "i want to make lunch, but you just ate. i'll just grab a snack to tide myself over."

He comes back with pretzels.

"want some?" he asks, tipping the bowl toward me. "(g/n)'s probably gonna get mad that we didn't eat properly, but it's our lazy day, so it won't matter."

I take a few of the crunchy pretzels, nodding. "This family is the best thing that ever happened to me."

Sans smiles. "glad you think so... now, would you consider turning mtt off and sittin' up here with your dad?"

"What should we talk about?" I inquire, taking my seat. It's warm and comfy on the couch, battling the current Snowdin weather.

Sans exhales, leaning his head back into the cushion. "nothing. dad's too lazy and sleepy to talk."

I decided I could be lazy and sleepy, too. I put my head on Sans's shoulder, which wasn't as comfortable as the couch, being made of bones and all, but it was comforting.

The fact that I had a family was comforting in itself, but the fact that I'd been adopted by the last person I would have expected- a monster- suddenly made me appreciate the way things had turned out.

Goodnight, Kiddo... (Adopted by Sans! Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now