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Your PoV

The house is finally quiet. Sans and I lie on the couch, drowsily enjoying the silence. He gets up after a minute, sleepily pushing himself to his feet. I close my eyes.

When I open them, Sans drapes a heavy blanket over the entirety of the couch, concealing everything but my face. He sits back down on his side, exhaling softly.

"get some sleep, kiddo," he whispers.

"Goodnight," I reply.

The night goes by in the blink of an eye. Before I know it, the scent of sizzling eggs and bacon tickle my nose, encouraging me to arise.

Papyrus and (G/n) occupy the kitchen, talking as they make breakfast. Sans is still knocked out on the couch, his head tilted backward and his mouth open. He snores softly.

Papyrus walks out from the kitchen and into the living room, placing his oven mitted hands on his hips.


Sans opens one eye, looks at Papyrus, and relaxes again.

"be right there," he says dismissively.

I pick up his hand. "C'mon, you gotta eat," I say, siding with Papyrus.

Sans stretches, yawns, and finally sits up.

"okay," he murmurs, pretending to be burdened. He gets off the couch and follows me into the kitchen.

(G/n) places a plate full of fluffy yellow scrambled eggs on the table just as we arrive, which was already dressed with a tall stack of pancakes, a platter of bacon, and four glasses of orange juice. Papyrus removes his apron, and we all sit down. He serves me first, then (G/n), then Sans, and finally himself.

"Such a gentleman," (G/n) comments with a mischevious wink. Papyrus blushes.

Sans, Papyrus, and (G/n) all chat during our meal, but I stay quiet. I know what's going to happen afterward, and I don't want to say anything for fear of the lump in my throat to show.

"ARE YOU ALL RIGHT, HUMAN?" Papyrus asks me, worry in his tone. "YOU'VE BARELY EATEN ANYTHING I GAVE YOU."

"I'm fine," I mumble. "Just not hungry."

Sans clears his empty plate, and takes me by the hand. I stand up, waving goodbye to the couple and thanking them for breakfast. He walks me into the living room.

"go upstairs and get dressed," he said, "and meet me outside. i want to go for a walk."

I obey, changing out of the comfy pajamas and into my clothes from yesterday. I open the door, stepping out into the fresh snow.

Sans stands a few feet away, sifting through his mailbox. "all junk," he remarks as I reach him. "come on."

We walk side-by-side through the little town, a bustling spot for humans and mosters alike. We passed a few shops and restaurants, a library, and even an ice house. Monster and human kids screamed and laughed, versing each other in a snowball fight.

Sans stopped walking, watching the children play.

"we've evolved," he said absently. "ten years ago, humans would have nothing to do with us... and yet, here we are. snowdin's gotten to be a busy place."

"It's nice," I comment, afraid to say anything more.

He grins. "it really is. it's amazing how much it's changed in such a short amount of time."

We continue on our walk. We pass over a bridge, and then it seems to start getting warmer. My teeth finally stop chattering.

As it gets warmer, it also seems to get darker. The amount of people we pass gets smaller and smaller, until there's nobody around us at all.

"Wh-where are we going?" I ask, my voice quavering. I realize the chill from Snowdin has disappeared. The weather is warm, a bit humid, and I can hear rushing water in the distance.

"Where are we?" I whisper. Tiny voices breathe from the phosphorescent flowers below us, carrying through the air.

"waterfall," Sans answers, sitting down on the ground. He touches the petal of the flower nearest to him, giving us a boost of blue light. "how you doin', buddy?"

"I... I thought..." I stammer, slowly sinking to my knees next to him. "What are we doing here?"

Sans takes a long look at me, his smile fading ever so slightly. "don't worry, (y/n). i just wanted to take you around," he replies.

I sit up straighter. "That's it?"

"uh huh," he nods. "that's all."

I sigh, almost relieved.

"why, where'd you think we'd go?" he asks, now curious.

"Back to... the surface," I mumble truthfully.

Sans grins. "why? i already went grocery shopping for the week. you were there, remember?"

His teasing tone makes me smile a little, too. "Yeah. I remember."

We walk around a bit more, talking. I make the mistake of talking about cheese, for some reason, leading to a barrage of puns from my skeleton friend. I could tell he was enjoying himself, and I was too. I kept laughing, hoping not to spoil the mood.

Finally, when I'd run Sans dry of puns for the moment, we walked back into Snowdin. My stomach was rumbling quietly, protesting that I still hadn't had breakfast. Sans saw me wrap my arms around myself and must have suspected I was cold. He unzips his sweatshirt, shrugs it off his arms, and holds it out to me.

I hesitate before touching it. "That isn't going to magically teleport me somewhere this time, is it?" I ask, making sure I won't end up in some random spot if I put it on.

Sans laughs. "no, kiddo, that was my doing. now, you're probably cold and hungry, so put on my sweatshirt and we'll run to grillby's for lunch. how does that sound?"

"Good," I respond amiably, tugging his sweater into place. "Thanks, Sans."

Goodnight, Kiddo... (Adopted by Sans! Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now