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A little encouragement for you guys, since school is starting up! Don't worry, as far as I'm concerned, my chapters will come out on schedule. Thanks for reading!

Your PoV

I was sitting in my crowded bedroom an hour later, lying in bed and trying to forget the lecture Ms. Bell had given me in her office, the profanities she'd screamed at me, and the danger of the bat in her hand.

The eight-year-old that had waved at Sans climbed onto the bed beside me. I knew her well; she slept below me. Her name was Mei, and we'd been friends since she arrived. She was small and of Chinese birth, humbled by her place in society.

"Are you all right, (Y/n)?" she whispered over what seemed a hundred other voices chatting near our perch.

I put a hand to my head, sitting up. My ankle screamed in pain, disliking any movement. "I wish."

"What was his name?" she asks, curiosity flooding her eyes.

Smiling, I rested my back against the wall. I could never turn away someone as sweet as Mei. The top of my head brushed the bunk above me.

"Sans," I replied. "He had a brother, named Papyrus, and he was really energetic and tall. Papyrus had a human girlfriend, too, and she gave me the clothes I'm wearing and a pair of pajamas... I think Ms. Bell took them."

"I wish you could go back," she murmurs.

"I wish you could have come with me," I reply, laughing dryly. "The whole situation almost makes me wish I'd never tried to run off in the first place."

Mei smiled at me. "But you escaped! Weren't you happy?"

"Of course I was," I sighed. "But I'd never wish it upon Sans to keep me in his custody. He and his family probably had a hard enough time keeping me for the time they did."

"I'm sure that's not true," Mei begins to argue, but Ms. Bell marches through the door and looks straight at us, her eyes murderous.

"(Y/n), dear," she said, her voice dripping with syrup,"there's someone here to see you."

Confused, I step down from the bed, sliding down the ladder. The entire room is silent, all eyes upon me. With a growing pit in my stomach, I stand near Ms. Bell.

"Mei, you come as well." she barks, then heads off down the hall. Mei supports me as we hurry to follow her into her office.

Before she opens the door, she gets her face close to mine and hisses a warning.

"Just know, (Y/n)," she snarls, "that you are an ungrateful, ugly little wretch, and I will never forgive you if you even say a word in this room. Do you understand?"

I nod quickly, and I feel Mei take a hard grip on my hand. I gulp as Ms. Bell finally opens the door.

"Stand behind my desk and wait," she orders. "I'll be back in a moment."

She leaves, almost closing the door in her huff, but a piece of fabric from her dress gets caught in the doorjamb and lets it open a touch. From there, we can hear Ms. Bell's harsh voice from the foyer, speaking to someone.

"I have the right to refuse you service," she says rudely, "and I refuse to take you inside. You are nothing but a filthy monster, and you are not welcome in this household unless you happen to have the money on you to be a customer."

"geez, calm down lady," another voice says from the doorstep. "i happen to be a customer, believe it or not. and since i am, i think you said you'd let me in."

Ms. Bell's voice twists, her usual sweetness mixed with sharp grating. "Of course. Come in, sir," she says stiffly.

Their footsteps gently resound along the old walls of the house, peeling with cracked wallpaper. They round the corner, then walk into the office. The monster sits down in one of the chairs opposite Mei and I, who are still standing behind Ms. Bell's desk. I remember just in time that I'm not supposed to say anything, so I stand still with a goofy smile on my face.

"heya, kiddo," Sans says easily, waving. He salutes Mei again, making her giggle.

Ms. Bell elbows me as she sits down, her sharp bone digging into my ribs. I stop smiling.

"So...." she drawls, "Mister....Sans, what can I do for you?"

Sans's eyes narrow as he looks me over for a split second, but I don't think Ms. Bell saw. I try to stand up straighter, so as not to let my aching ankle be known. Ms. Bell's wrath has already hurt me enough for one day.

"i want to adopt (y/n)," he says, sounding like he's said it a few times already. "and the little asian kid caught my eye this morning. how old's she?"

"Eight," Ms. Bell replies, glancing at her clawlike nails. "She's of chinese birth, and much cuter than (Y/n)." She lets out a harsh laugh, thinking her joke funny.

"paps will be so surprised," Sans says, grinning. "what the heck- i'll take them both, ma'am."

Ms. Bell jumps. "What? No, you can't have both of them! How can you possibly take care of two girls, who constantly demand food and care and attention and-"

"i'll take them," Sans repeats.

"You'll regret it," Ms. Bell growls.

"nah," he replies, leaning back in the chair. "look, i don't care about the cost. just let me take them."

"How do I know you won't use them for your own pleasure?" Ms. Bell snaps, her tone skeptical. "Mei's not nearly old enough, but (Y/n) might be of some use. If you really want to be burdened by this little whore, I'll let you take her off my hands for free."

Sans blinks lazily. "you sure?"

"Absolutely." Bell responds. She gives me a shove, and I land in Sans's lap. My face burning, I scramble to sit up, and he scoots over to allow space beside him.

"and the chinese girl?" Sans asks.

"Mei," Mei whispers shyly.

"You can have her for 30,000 dollars," Ms. Bell says tauntingly.

Mei gasps, covering her mouth with both hands. I glance at Sans, who doesn't even look bothered.

"put it on my tab," he says, giving Bell a wink. He reaches into his pocket, the pulls out a few coins. "oh, you probably don't accept g, but it's all i have. is this all right?"

He hands Ms. Bell the money. Mei turns red.

"Yes, yes," Ms. Bell says hastily. "Congratulations on your adoption. I hope (Y/n) gives you as much hell as she gave me."

"i'll handle it," Sans responds, rising from his chair. He takes my hand, then reaches across the desk for Mei's. She hesitates at first, but comes after a moment.

"I can't believe you did that," I say breathlessly, once we've exited Ms. Bell's house.

"M-me neither," Mei stammers. "Master Sans, you are too kind. I cannot believe I was worth that much."

"starting now, you two mean as much as the world to me," Sans says, smiling fondly at us. "but mei, i'll have you know that i only gave ms. bell 3 g."

"So... not 30,000 dollars?" I guess, finishing his sentence.

Sans shakes his head. "don't have that much, kiddo. i only brought a little more than what i'd spent at starbucks. anyway, i doubt your crazy lady friend will ever know the difference."

I laugh, and Mei finally begins to smile past her shyness.

"all right, kiddos," Sans says, gently squeezing our hands, "let's get you home."

Goodnight, Kiddo... (Adopted by Sans! Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now