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Your PoV

When I finally assume the guts to come out of the restrooms, the store is calm and quiet. I wrap the long sleeves of the blue sweatshirt around me to keep warm, the chilly, silent air almost unbearable.

I walk farther, my eyes everywhere. Ms. Bell seems to have vanished, all traces of commotion gone with her.

Suddenly, the monster that had been kind enough to help me came by, his arms loaded down with catsup. He grins at me, a motion to come over.

"she left," he reports. "how you doin', kid?"

I breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm fine, thanks to you."

The skeleton sets down his bottles of catsup in a nearby basket. "the name's sans. glad i could help."

"Sans," I repeat as we shake hands. "Thanks. Nice to meet you."

Sans picks up the basket. "what are you gonna do now?"

I start to reply, but realize I hadn't thought about that. I stay quiet, embarrassment written all over my face in crimson paint.

"that's okay," he says, waving it off. "maybe if you help me shop, i'll see if our house can fit another human."

He turns around.

"Wh- excuse me?" I say, dumbfounded. Sans continues to walk. "Hey- wait up!" I cry, hurrying to catch up to him.

"what's your name, kiddo?" he asks me as I fall in step with him, sounding as if nothing had happened.

"(Y/n)," I respond. "Do... Do you have other, um, humans living with you?"

"my bro and I have been together for as long as i can remember," he says. "he's a skeleton, like me. it's his girlfriend that's human."

We turn into the pasta aisle, and Sans mulls over the wall of multicolored boxes, taking a few down.

"why don't you pick a kind, too?" he says, glancing at me again. "paps can probably make that for dinner."

I look at the pasta, then look at Sans. He smiles.

"go ahead," he prompts me. "just try not to pick something i already have, 'kay?"

"Sure," I mumble, taking a quick glance at his basket before settling my nerves to choose something. Sans is already carrying two boxes of train wheels, two boxes of Penne, a large bag with something called Gragnano*, and four boxes of plain old spaghetti. As I try to make a decision, he takes down two boxes of Linguine noodles as well.

I inhale, then pick up a box of Farfalle (lil' bow ties), and place it in his basket.

"good choice," he says approvingly. "papyrus's gonna like that. get two down for me, okay?"

I grab another box, and we start to head toward the bakery section.

"Oh, for a second there I thought all we were going to buy was spaghetti and catsup," I say with a bit of relief in my voice.

Sans grins, his eyes rolling up toward the ceiling. "that's probably all we would've bought, before papyrus's girl came along," he admits. "the first time we met her, she made us ramen at, like, two am. that was our first taste of topside food."

"Do you live in the Underground?" I ask, curious.

"yeah, we still do." Sans says with a shrug. "it's home to all of us, to be honest."

I glance down at the tiled floor. "I've never been down there," I say.

"oh, you'll like it," Sans assures me, picking up a loaf of bread and inspecting it. "it's kinda cold where we live, though. you want doughnuts?"

We walk over to the doughnut display, where the clerk daintily placed the ones we pointed to in a big box.

"I've only had doughnuts once," I admit as we start to walk toward the checkout.

Sans nods. "makes sense, being with that lady and all," he remarks. "thanks for the help, by the way."

"No problem," I respond. "I was happy to help. Thanks for your help, too."

"anytime, kiddo." Sans replies. He begins to put the items onto the conveyor belt, where they slide toward the cashier. I help him, placing the boxes of noodles and some lettuce he'd picked up on as well. Before either of us know it, our conversation has led us outside in the middle of a rather heavy snowstorm.

I glance down at myself and realize I'm still wearing Sans's sweatshirt.

"keep it on," he says when I try to take it off and give it back. "cold doesn't bother me. wait 'till we get home and put all this stuff down."

I feel his hand on my shoulder again, and I barely have time to blink before we're standing at someone's doorstep. Calm white snow has settled on the ground all around us.

"Where are we?" I whisper.

Sans kicks the door, unable to knock with all the bags in his hands. "the underground," he replies simply.

*ps... If you've ever been to Eataly or you read the last book, you'd probably remember this pasta!

Have fun reading the rest of this book!


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