Chapter Six: The Truth

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We pull up to the library. I stare at it for a moment then raise an eyebrow at Thalia. She just gets out of the car, so I follow her. 

The librarian at the desk smiles and nods at us. I smile back then continue to follow Thalia. We go to an old section of the library, Thalia walks up to a bare brick wall. Two leather chairs are in front of it with a small table in between them. Thalia walks around the chairs and we squish into the small area between them and the wall. I look at Thalia questioningly, but she ignores me. She taps her knuckles three times to a random brick, suddenly the wall slides open to a strange portal looking thing. It was round and it glowed a beige colour.

"Thalia what in the world?" I ask.

"C'mon." Thalia says, she grabs my hand and pulls me through it. We pass through it and we are suddenly walking into another library. I gasp looking around. The bookshelves are all dark brown wood, and books are stacked upon books. The portal is in plain sight behind us and I can't help but stare at the strange looking painting on top of the portal. 

The painting is of a man, but something about him is familiar. When I look back at the bookshelves I notice how tall they are, and how widely spaced everything is. I look at Thalia who had already seated herself at the circular table. I sit beside her and look at the tall bookshelves. They were to tall for a human to use a ladder. 

"What do I start with?" Thalia asks me.

"What are you?" I ask.

"I'm an-" Thalia is suddenly cut off. Damian, Caine, Hazel and Shawn all walk through the portal. I stare with wide eyes at them.

"Thalia! What are you doing?" Caine asks.

"I can't hold it from her anymore, she deserves to know!" Thalia says. 

"She is supposed to find out herself!" Hazel says.

"She was rejecting me! She's my sister, am I supposed to let her be mad at me for life?" Thalia asks.

"Okay people!" I say raising my hands.

Everyone falls completely silent and stares at me. I swallow hard then begin to speak.

"First of all, I want to know what you are, what they are and where the hell I am." I say.

"They." Thalia hisses. I look at her surprised... okay, so whatever Thalia is, they have the ability to hiss, they could probably growl too. Then I remember Thalias eighteenth birthday. When strange things started to happen. Then when she turned nineteen mom was constantly there for her, and she was having break downs. She kept asking why this had to happen to her. Then I remember clearly a memory that makes everything click into place.

-Flashback, the day after Thalia's nineteenth birthday-

"Mom, out of all people why me?" Thalia asks.

"Oh honey, you know it won't be that bad once you get used to it." Mom says trying to comfort her. I'm snooping, I'm sitting in front of Thalia's bedroom door, listening in on one of Thalias breakdowns. 

"Look at these... things! Mom, why me?" Thalia asks through sobs this time. I peek through the door to see Thalia standing in front of her mirror with giant white feathered wings coming from her back. They are shaped like a giant version of those tiny angel wing you saw everywhere, on what people thought angels look like. The tips of the wings hit the walls on either side of Thalias room. I fight the urge to gasp then I turn around and sprint to my room and jump into bed. 

Thalia has wings.

-Flashback of Thursday night-

"Hey, where are your wings?" Malcom asks, tilting his head. To myself I ponder what Malcom meant by wings.

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