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Bones Exposed

The air was humid, sticky, hot, and all around, miserable. Groups of kids were complaining around me about this weather. It was bad, but it also was the middle of summer. Plus, all of the people around, jumping and yelling, didn’t help either. That was Warped Tour for you.

It was my first one. I started to listening to the bands that I was coming to see a couple of years ago, but finally I decided to go. It took me a while to get the courage to go. My friends didn’t really enjoy this music, even though I told them there were other genres here, so I was forced to go alone.

I made sure I was all ready for Warped Tour. Reading what people recommend, watching concert videos, and learning festival kindness. One of the thing it all thought me, it was going to be hot.

As much as I love the heat, I wanted to watch the bands, and leave in as little time as possible. I come to see a couple of bands, but the bands I wanted to see the most were Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil. So right when I got here, I  made sure to get the time for them, and plan my day around it.

As I passed through the crowds of complaining teens, I found the main stage. I still had a couple of minutes before Sleeping With Sirens was suppose to come on, so I walked around the area. I stopped at a couple of booths, and got some free stuff, looked at the signing that were going to happen, and listen to the music around the area.

“Hello ma’am, are you busy?” A voice behind me asked.

I turned toward the voice, and saw a man in shades. “No sir.” I replied.

“Are you with friends?” He said.

He gave me an uncomfortable feeling, but I decided to be polite. “No sir, I am not.” I told him, trying to edge away from him. 

“If you’d be interested, would you like some backstage tickets?” He asked, as he started getting closer the farther I walked off. 

“I’m good.” I said. He didn’t seem like the person to handle those things, nor would that have anything to do with who I was with. I decided to get away from him. I turned my back from him and started walking away. I almost got to the main stage when a piece of cloth covered my mouth, forcing me to breath in the awful scient. It made me drowsy, and I felt sick. I tried fighting away the person who was doing this, but all I could do was fall out of conscious.


"Can you hear me?" A calming voice asked me.

I tried opening my eyes, but it felt like they were glued together. I felt as if someone was standing on my chest. Breathing was hard to do. I tried moving, anything really. The only thing that would move were my fingertips.I kept moving them, hoping of waking up more of my body.

"Keep your fingers moving. Please stay with me." The same calming voice pleaded.

I kept moving them like the voice said. I felt someone move my eyelids as the sun shined into my eyes. "It burns." I hissed. I kept my eyes open as the sky darken from sunglasses being put on my eyes.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" The voice asked.

I saw someone's fingers come into my vision. "Three." I said.

Saved (Pierce The Veil & Sleeping With Sirens Fanfiction)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now