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Undercover Martyn

The bus wasn't that lonely without Kellin. It seemed like a tension was lifted. Justin was still his childish self, Gabe was still yelling at everything Justin did, and Jack was drinking a beer that he stole from Justin and playing cards with me. Honestly, I thought being on a tour bus with Sleeping with Sirens was going to be more fun.

We arrived at the next place, and it was nice to be able to see the place being set up. I sat with Justin while we watched all the stages go up, the tents being set up, and the people lining up. The fans would yell at Justin, and he'd smile or make a funny face. It was really weird to seeing people react that way to the people I've become so familiar with.

"Hello?" Justin asked as he picked up his ringing phone. "Marina, it's for you." He said, passing it to me.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Marina, it's Jack, we need you back, Kellin needs you." Jack told me.

I sighed. "I'll be there in a bit. Bye." I said, hanging up. I did not want to deal with Kellin because that meant Vic. After talking to Jack, I decided to take nothing, but only what is from Vic mouth. I didn't want him to tell Kellin to tell me stuff, I wanted Vic to man up and apologize.

Justin and I walked back to the bus, and saw Kellin, Jaime, and Jack in a circle talking.

"Hey dudes." Justin said as I stood behind him. Everyone turned towards us.

"Marina, hey, I need you." Kellin said.

"Hey what about a hello?" Justin pouted sarcastically.

"Hi Justin, now Marina can you come here?" Kellin said.

I moved past Justin, and to Kellin side as he started walking. As I followed, Jack grabbed my arm.

"If you need me, call me." He said. I nodded, and caught up with Kellin, and found Jaime behind us.

"What's going on?" I asked the pair.

"Vic is pretty upset." Kellin said.

"I'm not upset Marina, so this is all Vic okay?" Jaime told me, worried.

"I didn't think you were Jaime." I smiled.

He grinned back.

"As I was saying, Vic is really mad." Kellin said.

"What is he mad about? Me coming with you guys? I'm not doing this to make him mad, I'm doing this because I want to, tell him that." I told Kellin.

"That's not what he is mad about." Jaime interrupted.

I turned towards him. "Then why is he?" I asked.

Jaime looked over to Kellin. I turned towards him.

"Vic is jealous." Kellin said.

"Jealous of what?" I asked.

"He's just jealous." Jaime said.

"What? You guys aren't telling me something." I said, my temper rise.

"We can't tell you." They both said.

I crossed my arms and stopped walking. "Is he putting a gun to your head or something?" I asked, pissed.

"No, he just has issues, Marina. He doesn't deal with relationships well." Jaime said.

"Our relationship?! He ditched me to take a nap when his friend could have been dead. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be friends with a person like that. Plus, he lied about leaving me, and honestly he just needs to ignore me instead of getting his little messengers to tell me. He is being so childish." I snapped.. I turned around and started walking away.

I was pissed. If Kellin and Jaime knew better, they'd leave me alone till I cooled down. I looked over to the buses, and saw Sleeping With Sirens was beside Pierce The Veil's bus. I raced past SWS, and started for PTV. I heard Jack yelling behind me, but I didn't listen.

I ran to the side, and opened the door. I stepped on the bus, and locked the door as I saw Vic standing there.

"Hey Vic, please tell me what your problem is because I'm sick of this okay?!" I yelled.

He just stared at me.

"Speak up, or do you need one of your little messengers to tell me?" I said, my blood was boiling.

"Marina, leave me alone." Vic said, waving me off.

“Don’t give me that!" I screamed.

"Marina, please stop shouting, and leave me alone." He said.

"No, tell me why you are doing this? I thought you would be at least kind, but no, you just  have the biggest ego!" I yelled.

He just looked at me. We just stared into each other's eyes. I could see rage slowly burning in them.

"Maybe Marina I'm just don’t like you." He said.

“That’s fine, but why do you have to get Kellin and Jaime involved? If you have to tell me something, say it to my face.” I snapped.

“I can’t do that.” He said.


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