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"Get away from me!" I screamed, pushing Vic away from me. I crawled back from Vic. 

"You were fine with this earlier Marina." Vic said, grinning slightly. 

I just stared at him, hoping he won't push anymore things on me. "Well what I remember, I wouldn't, so I'm not going to do something like that." I told him.

'C'mon Marina, it won't hurt." He said, crawling over to me.

I flinched as he came closer.

"What are you doing?" A voice behind me asked. 

I looked to see Kellin looking very pissed. 

"Nothing." Vic said, crawling away from me.

Kellin rolled his eyes. "Marina, how are you? Anything hurting?" Kellin asked me.

I finally noticed the throbbing of my temples. "Yeah, my head hurts really bad?" I said, coming more like a question. 

"Let's get you back to the bus, and then we'll fix you up." Kellin told me.

They helped me up, and we got back to the bus. I was given medicine by first-aid, while everyone was searching for Jack. I sat trying to piece together events while worrying for Jack. Nothing made sense. 

 All I knew was I was suppose to be with Jack, and now I wasn't. 


They found Jack. He's right now at the hospital. None of us are allowed in. Gabe found him barley breathing and his arms sliced.

"It'll be okay Marina." Kellin insures, rubbing my arms. 

I just snuggle to him in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. 

We are just sitting here waiting for the doctor to tell us Jack's condition. 

I didn't get to see him before they took him in the ambulance. All I knew was the someone had attacked him, and he was alive. 

Kellin and I had talked a little bit. He told me not to listen to Vic. He knew what had happened. Jack was going to take me out, and gave me a necklace. 

"He must have been with you when it happened. He gave you the necklace." He said, pointing at the necklace I was wearing.

I hadn't noticed it really before. I was kind of happen to know that I was with Jack at that time. At least I wasn't with Vic, and that was all that mattered to me. 

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