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Last time on Dragonball X, Okaro discovered that he has a long way to go if he ever intends to unlock his true potential. Meanwhile back on the ship Lady Sareth spoke with an old comrade. What is this work the scientist spoke of? Will Lady Sareth tell Okaro about Sitsi? Find out in this chapter of Dragonball X!

Okaro entered the elevator, alone this time. The technology of this place already recognized him, even for a civilized planet Okara surprised him with there advances.

Looking at the panel in the elevator he pushed a button that resembled the Council that he had spoken with earlier in the day and the elevator began to move that way rather slowly. Okaro didn't mind the elevator going slow, that gave him time to think about his options. If they really had work for him here, should he take it? Either way he knew it'd be best to hear their proposition and evaluate his options afterward.

The elevator stopped and the doors slid open to show Okaro the same council from earlier, only this time they were all quiet and still with all their eyes rested on Okaro. Okaro stepped out of the elevator and walked over to stand in the middle of the room, keeping a safe distance from the Council.

"You're expecting me?" Okaro laid his eyes on the middle councilman that he spoke with before.

"Yes, from what Sal's scanner showed us you are a very powerful and proven warrior." Said the middle councilman, who Okaro presumed at this point was the leader of this civilization.

"Maybe I am, but first I'd like to know who you are." Okaro out reached his right arm and pointed hid index finger at the middle councilman. Unlike earlier the councilman showed no fear at any of Okaro's actions, maybe Okaro had assumed wrongly about these people.

"Ah, of course. I'm the Senior Councilman, Sal Sr. to be more precise. I report to our president who then makes the decisions that I believe to be in need of superior authority. Was that a good answer?" Maybe that would explain the way Sal acted, he works for his father.

"President? I'd like to meet him." Okaro knew that he was likely overstepping some boundaries but he wanted to see where he ranked in this community.

"I'm afraid that such a privilege isn't for me to decide, the president himself must make that decision." Okaro was impressed, not only had Sal Sr. completely kept his cool the rest of the council hadn't even flinched since Okaro stepped into the room.

"Alright then, what's this work I was told about?"

"Ah, of course. You see, we don't just create clones for recreational purposes." Okaro didn't know why but something about that statement made him want to reach over that table and hurt this man, didn't he realize that clones were just as much alive as him.

"Originally, we brought about clones to extend one's life. Whenever someone either died of a cause outside of their control or we still needed their contribution than a clone would be made of them."

"Then you decided that there was more to gain from clones than just extending someone's life." Okaro said, not gaining any satisfaction from the information he had learned today.

"You're a fast learner!" Sal Sr. exclaimed, Okaro didn't see why all of this was fairly obvious. "Now clones do work for us, our technology helps other planets."

"I wouldn't say help is the right word." Okaro thought, remembering all the devastation his existence brought to Contak.

"Usually the work is as simple as that, deliver our technology."

Okaro couldn't help but chuckle, which did draw a reaction from the Council. Just a little wince though. "So you want me to be a delivery boy?"

"Oh no no no, that job usually goes to someone who doesn't possess the abilities that you have. Someone of your stature has to usually deal with any danger to our clients." This peaked some interest in Okaro, and he was sure it showed. After all the blood of a saiyan did flow through his veins.

"Congrats, you have my attention."

"Well you see," Sal Sr. folded his hands together and rested his elbows on the desk before him, "the clients that we deliver our technology sometimes also need a little help from space pirates."

"Space pirates?" Okaro didn't believe that he had heard anything so obsurd.

"Yes, they're not at their prime back before the best of their kind was trapped away but we still need some powerful warriors to deal with them."

"And let's say I agree to this, what do I get in return?" Okaro was thrilled on the inside but he didn't want to show it, they would be less inclined to pay him well.

"That just depends on the job really. Why don't you take some time to think this one over, and get back to us with your answer." Sal Sr. stood, and made his way around the desk to face Okaro himself.

"Sounds good to me." The two exchanged a handshake and at that moment Okaro realized that he hadn't made contact with an Okaran yet, surprisingly the man's hand felt extremely warm.


Lady Sareth felt a shake, then another one. She laid over onto her side, not wanting to get up.

There came another shake, "Sareth." That's when Lady Sareth's eyes shot open and she jolted up to a seated position, nailing her forehead directly into Okaro's sending him back on to the ground next to her. She had fallen asleep in the training room after her chat with Sitsi. Now she was sure she'd be having the headache from hell.

"O-O-Okaro! Are you alright?!" Okaro was holding his forehead, making a wimper. She couldn't help but giggle at him, after all he's done a headbutt from her would make him like this.

"Hey, Okaroooo." She was giddy, he was now curled up in a ball. "Hey." She crawled over to him and pulled his hand off of his forehead with the strength of both of her own. "You okay?" Okaro looked Lady Sareth in the eyes, driving a feeling inside of her that she hadn't felt in a long time. She didn't act on it however, she couldn't after what she took away from him.

"Yeah, just startled me." Okaro sat up and retracted his arm from Lady Sareth and ruffling the hair above his forehead, as if he was actually in pain. "What were you doing in here anyway?"

"Oh, um...," Lady Sareth sat on her knees, fists curled up on her knees, "Just wanted a change of scenery." She didn't want to tell him about Sitsi, not yet at least.

"Well this is definitely the place for that." Okaro smiled looking around the landscape Lady Sareth's mind had made.

"How did everything go? Find anything?"

"Oh did I?" Okaro chuckled, practically jumping to his feet. He then reached and picked Lady Sareth up in his arms.

"What are you doing?" She couldn't help but laugh at this.

"I'll tell you about it over dinner, let's get outta here."


"Wow. What do you make of all of that?" Lady Sareth asked, in shock from the day that Okaro had.

"I don't know, but stable work thrown in with me finally getting to test myself. I don't think I can pass on that." Lady Sareth put her eating utensils down so she could focus on her conversation with Okaro, who noticed and did the same. "Of course, your agreement with all of this is also important."

"I'd say as long as they come across peaceful," Lady Sareth also mentally thought on the safety of Okaro, "Then this is a great opportunity for... our plans. We could really further ourselves."

"Awesome. I'll get back in touch with them first thing tomorrow." Okaro picked back up is utensils and continued eating dinner.

What's in store for Okaro with this work of protecting clients from these so called Space Pirates? Find out in the next chapter of Dragonball X!

That's the next chapter everyone! I hope you all enjoyed it! I put some effort into this one lol. Things will definitely start heating up in the next few chapters! And what about Okareth? Will it happen?! I'm not sure but we'll see won't we?

Shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, TheSpokenTruth1, and JaffaMaster786.mention a user

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