What Are We Fighting For? Pt. 1

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I hope you're ready ladies and gents! This chapter has been a longtime coming! The epic two part conclusion of the Batmos Arc! Okaro and Sam are finally about to confront the dreaded Space Pirates! What's really going on? Find out in this epic two part conclusion!

"Alright so this is the place?" Okaro asked in a quiet tone, not wanting to stir any unwanted trouble. 

"Yes." Sam answered, looking over the sign that rested above the abandoned store. The only word that could be made out was "store" and even then you had to really try to make that lone word out.

"I say before we walk in we come up with a plan." Okaro said with a more straightforward tone in a hope to get through to Sam, ever since he had received that picture from Scrolixiden Sam just hadn't acted the same. Okaro would swear that it was like Sam had seen a ghost, he had never seen anyone so frightened before. The only thing that Okaro couldn't figure out was what had him this way to such an extent. 

"Plan?" Sam asked in a sarcastic manner, pissing off his comrade in the process.

"You're always the one that rambles on about sticking to a plan." Okaro managed to keep his cool, knowing that he would need his emotions to be able to truly let his power go against this foe they were finally so close to. 

"Well...," Sam thought as quickly as possible and just hoped that he hadn't just made a mistake. "what would be your approach?" 

Okaro laughed uncontrollably for a few seconds until he realized that his comrade hadn't been joking at all. "You're joking, you know exactly what my game plan would be."

"Maybe thats the approach that we need to take." Sam smirked at his friend, who returned the smirk when he realized that he had practically been set free. 


"You two, stop!" A militia man trained his gun on Okaro and Sam, who shared a smirk on their face. Okaro approached the militia man by himself. "I'm telling you right now if you don't stop I-." 

Okaro enhanced his speed to get past the gun and grabbed the man by his shoulders and slammed him into a wall not too far from where they were previously standing. This of course caused the two other militia men to train there guns on Okaro. 

"You better let me go, y-you don't want this place to b-be your gr-grave." stammered the militia man who was pinned to the wall by Okaro. 

Okaro smirked at the the man, "You really think I would do this blindly?" That's when in a flash Sam was on the other side of the altercation and the guns the other militia men were holding were now by his feet. The other two militia men took a moment to realize what had just happened then took off down into the market to escape this altercation all-together. 

"Guys! Guys!" The man pinned against the wall yelled, which only seemed to make the other two quicken there escape. 

Okaro looked after the two men that were running and let go of the man he had against the wall, who slid to the ground in shock. "Well isn't that too bad?" Okaro asked sarcastically, glancing over to Sam who was already on his way over to Okaro and the remaining man.

Sam took a squat by the man and snapped his fingers before his face to bring the man back to reality. "Now, tell us what we want to know and we'll let you go."

The man looked from Sam up to Okaro who had his arms crossed and looking down on the terrified man. "O-okay." The man nodded a little uncontrollably while looking back at Sam, seeming to think he was the nicer one. 

Sam pulled out the picture of Araime and pointed it in the man's face. "Where did you last see this man?" 

The man took a long look at the picture then looked over to Sam. "I-I've never se-seen him be-before." Okaro punched a hole into the wall while not taking his eyes off of the man, which caused the man to shriek. "Okay, Okay. About a month ago I saw h-him headed down that passage way." The man pointed to one of the tunnels down in the market, Sam nodded then looked back to the man.

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