Batmos pt. 1

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This next three chapter series will explain the situation on Batmos and what exactly our hero is getting into. Those who live on Batmos are Halh, and this story is one about a man named Araime and his family.

"Wh-wh-what do you mean?" Araime asked his boss, who had just informed him of truly deviating news.

"You heard me right the first time. You aren't getting paid this month." Araime's boss seemed deviated himself having to give the news. Araime wouldn't expect any less either, his boss was the most compassionate man he had ever known.

"Why though? There has to be a re-reason?" Araime swung his hands wide and apart in disbelief, this job was his only way of keeping his family afloat.  With his wife pregnant there wasn't any way that she could pick up a job to make up for this new problem, not that she'd get paid anyway.

"Don't act like you don't know, we're low on money in the city." Araime did know that actually, his whole life he had struggled financially and now that both of his parents were dead he struggled even more to support his family.

"I know, b-but what about our most re-recent shipment from Okara? Didn't that help at all?" Araime's boss, who was sitting at his desk, sunk his head into one of his hands and shook it.

"You know as well as I do, all that shipment does is bring this city a bigger target for those damned space pirates! Do you honestly think this city earns any of that?" Araime knew all to well about what space pirates were capable of in the city.

"I understand, bu-"

"Listen," Araime's boss already seemed to be moving on to something else, "I'm sorry Araime, but there's nothing I can do."

Araime simply nodded and left for home, empty handed.


Araime entered his house, slowly closing the door behind him. The first thing he heard were the footsteps of his two children, Zatvan and Bitzal. The two grabbed onto his legs.

"Daddy!" Zatvan and Bitzal tugged and tugged on jus pants.

"Yes, yes, I know." Araime picked both of his kids up in his arms, a task that proved easy after the construction work that he had done all his life.

Zatvan, the boy asked, "How was work daddy?" Zatvan was a whole different kid then Araime was, a much more in depth learner.

"Oh you know, the same old same." Araime brought his kids into the dining room and sat them down onto the dining table, alerting his wide of their arrival.

"Did you make it home alright?" Araime could hear the discern in his wife's voice, and as much as he wanted to make her not fearful how could he change her ways. Not with the way this city had become, relying on another planet to keep them afloat.

"Yes, Qeeshal, as you can see I'm in one peice. Kids, why don't you go play in the living room." At first the two kids continued playing on the table until Araime gave the two a more stern look, sending them running into the living room.

"Well," Qeeshal took a seat at the dining table, "How was the pay this time?" Araime also took a seat at the dining table, not ready to inform his wife of the unfortunate news.

"As you could expect I was only given half." Araime didn't look at his wife but at the ground, not wanting to face her while he lied.

"Well, that's not good, but we've managed like this before." Qeeshal tried to have a more upbeat tone, but Araime saw right through it. The two of them knew that they would soon lose their house paying the rent they way they had, only this time they wouldn't be able to pay at all. Although Araime would never say this out loud, he knew that having the two kids had made life almost impossible for himself and Qeeshal. There just wasn't anyway that he could tell Qeeshal about not getting paid a dime, no, not even a penny.


The kids were in bed, along with Qeeshal. Araime had told Qeeshal that he would be joining her shortly and that he was going to do some clean up but truly he just wanted to think of what he should do. Araime had never felt so lost before. Yes, he had struggled at times but he had always been able to scrape by. There was no way his family could make it on the streets. Not with the crime and violence there was now.

That's why he knew, he knew he had to do something. Sadly there was only one thing he could think of to do. When he was only a kid his parents went to the black market deep in town to talk with the space pirates to get a sizable loan. Only, when they couldn't pay the loan off the pirates hunted the two down, bringing both of their lives to an end.

The only reason that Araime even knew about this was because when he was at the military police station he went through the files on his parents while he was alone in an office. Originally he was informed that his parents were killed in a driving accident, and to be honest he was better off not knowing the truth.

Could he really go to the space pirates? Araime continued to think over this for hours, holding his head in his hands. Finally, after what seemed like a whole day, Araime decided that his family was more important than his life.

So, after gathering a few things to help him along the road and throwing on his jacket, Araime began his path to meet with the space pirates. He didn't know if they were still there but he had to try.

I think that this might just be the best filler arc so far! I really hope you guys like it! I know that filler can be annoying but I want everyone to get an idea of what life is like on Batmos. I do plan on doing more filler arcs in the future to help expand the universe of Dragonball X!

Shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1.


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