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Okaro tossed and turned in his bed, murmuring about his past. This was the first night in several years that he didn't have Sareth in bed with him, allowing for the nightmare to return. There was only one nightmare that plagued Okaro, no other then the worst night of his life.

Of course, Sam knew nothing of why Okaro did what he did, but that didn't stop him from observing Okaro. Sam sat in the camera room to watch over Okaro after he heard Okaro screaming from his bedroom. At first Sam had thought about trying to wake Okaro, but after a second thought Sam realized how dangerous such a move could be.

Although the two men had landed on Batmos it had been late so after a debate Okaro agreed to catch some sleep, now Sam knee why Okaro pressed so hard to get the mission over so soon. Something would have to be done about these nightmares, if not Okaro could put many lives at risk just from the overwhelming power that he possessed.

Sam had encountered a few saiyans in his time but he had never met anyone as outright powerful as Okaro was. Now Sam was certain he could hold his own in a battle with Okaro he would know better than to try and win with his strength alone. Such a feeling cam odd to Sam, who's original being barely met someone who could match what he could do physically. Now he had to deal with being the brains of the team.


When Sam woke up he realized that he had fallen asleep in the camera room watching Okaro struggle to sleep. After gaining consciousness he looked at the monitor to see that Okaro was no longer in bed. Sam scanned the other monitors until he found Okaro resting in the living quarters, which relieved Sam greatly to know that Okaro didn't try to end the mission quickly and on his own.


Okaro sat in the living quarters on a couch, his mind on his losses from the past. He couldn't stand having those nightmares, and he didn't understand why Sareth was the only one that could help him surpress those memories. Sometimes he wonders if he should resent Sareth after what happened all that time ago, but then Okaro will remember that she wasn't of her own mind. Sareth would never do something like that, Okaro knew that from the very first conversation that the two had. Now she had helped him let go....

"Hey," Sam entered the living quarters dressed and ready for the day ahead, "Did you sleep alright?" Sam already knew that Okaro hadn't, but he wanted to see if Okaro would tell him the truth or lie.

After Sam took a seat in a recliner not too far from the couch that Okaro was sitting on Okaro eyed him, "I slept fine, how about you?" To be truthful Okaro had no real intention on having small conversation like this with Sam, but if he was confronted with conversation Okaro figured it'd be best to participate at least a little.

"I slept fine as well," Sam leaned his neck onto one of his hands, "Just have a bad neck." The real reason Sam's neck hurt was because he fell asleep at the desk in the camera room, he also knew that if he and Okaro continued lying to each other then this mission wouldn't end well.

"So what exactly are we doing today?" Okaro didn't really feel all that interested in the mission, he just figured that he could use his brute force to get through the day as quickly as possible.

"We're going to check in with their King here, that's about all so far." Okaro didn't know what to expect out of this, the only king he ever knew didn't exactly leave him with a good impression. Knowing that however Okaro also knew he couldn't just classify all royalty the same. After all Sareth was partly royalty and he trusted her with his life, why else would she have such an effect on him while he slept.

"That should be interesting, any idea what we might run into?" Sam stood and made his way for the exit.

"Only one way to truly find out." Okaro also stood, stretched a little, and followed Sam out of the Ship.


Once outside the ship both Okaro and Sam stopped to look over what looked like a large lake, the city was about half a days walk from here.

"How come we didn't just drop down in the city?" Okaro asked, although he didn't mind getting to look over the body of water.

"I didn't want to drop down into a war zone, however unlikely such an event could be. Plus, this keeps us safe from any possible thiefs in the area, we are dealing with pirates after all." Okaro simply nodded in response, kneeling by the water to look as his reflection. The water on this planet was surprisingly clear, one could see all the way to the very bottom of the lake.

Sam also kneeled by the water, "We should discuss our plan if we run into any space pirates." Sam said.

Okaro couldn't help but to laugh at his companion, "Simple, just take them out."

Sam shot Okaro a glare, "It's not that simple!"

Okaro shot back a glare of his own, "Oh? And why not?"

"If we just open a all out attack on these guys who knows the consequences will be. We need to think of a plan that won't be so risky."

Okaro smirked, "Risky for you maybe, but I doubt any of these pirates could match my potential."

Sam shook his head and scanned over the lake, "Aren't you worried about harming civilians in the process."

Okaro stood again, beginning the long walk to the city, "Of course, but I also know that I can take these guys out quickly."

Sam quickly stood and used a quickened pace to stand in front of his teammate, "Listen, if that's the way we were going to handle this then you could've simply came here alone." Sam tried to remain calm, he wouldn't win Okaro over if he looked like a fool.

Okaro looked to the ground to think, then looked Sam in the eyes, "Fine, but when we do confront these guys and you get in my way... I'll break you, like a kit-kat bar." Okaro's favorite snack is a kit-kat bar.

All of the filler! I know, absolutely nothing happened in this chapter. However, I feel like establishing the relationship between Sam and Okaro is important as Sam will be an important character for the remainder of this book. What will happen next time? Will Sam and Okaro remain friendly? Will the king be honest with them? Found that out in the next chapter of Dragonball X!

Shoutouts to TheSpokenTruth1, AbdulKhaliq7, and JaffaMaster786.

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