Story of a Tetheran.

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Last time on Dragonball X Okaro had made the decision to work for the Okaran Council and was introduced to someone, Sam Engle. Is there more to this character? Find out in this chapter of Dragonball X!

The ship that Sal Sr. brought Okaro and Sam to was nicer than what Okaro had seen before. The ship had a oval shape, with a chrome color all around it. There was a silver fin attached close to the back of the tail and a screen like window close to the front of the ship. Altogether the ship was about the size of a bus.

"Sam, I believe that you can teach Okaro the rest." Sal Sr. walked over below the fin and pushed a button that dropped a walkway for entrance into the ship. From what Okaro could see the inside of the ship looked even nicer inside then out.

"Yes, I can." Sam said, already walking up the walkway and into the ship.

"For somebody so young he sure seems to know what he's doing." Thought Okaro. Sal Sr. walked over to Okaro and patted him on the back, as if they were close friends.

"I have a feeling that you're going to do great!" Okaro simply nodded to that, ready to get away from the man. Sal Sr. hadn't done anything to make Okaro dislike him but Okaro still felt uneasy when around him. Along with any of the other members of his council. "I'll be awaiting your return." Before another word could be said Sal Sr. walked away, leaving Okaro to make his way onto the ship.


Standing at the top of the ramp inside of the ship allowed Okaro to have a much better look into the ship. The room that led to the ramp was empty, leading Okaro to believe the room was meant to hold the Okaran technology that would be delivered to the buyer. Okaro made his way through the room and opened the door leading to the next room.

The room Okaro now saw was much nicer then the previous, there was a space that resembled a living room and another that had two beds. Okaro was hopefeful that he wouldn't have to sleep here, he didn't want anyone knowing about the nightmares. Lady Sareth was the only person he trusted with such knowledge, and all he knew about this guy was his name.

Sam finally noticed that Okaro was in the ship, being able to see him through a hallway that led from the cockpit to the luxury room. "Okaro!"

Okaro nearly jumped out of his skin, startled by the sudden outburst from Sam. He looked around and noticed a hallway that led to what looked like a cockpit, sure enough Sam was there. "What?"

"Can you go close the ramp? We're ready for departure."

"Sure." Okaro made his way from the luxury room and approached the ramp, looking for some kind of switch or button that would allow him to close the ramp. "Here we are." Okaro spotted a button next to the end of the room and pushed it, receiving a beep from the button. Then the ramp slowly closed.


"So," Okaro had made his way back to the luxury room and walked down the hallway and into the larger then expected cockpit, "Where are you from?" Before Sam even said a word he motioned with his right hand for Okaro to sit in the seat not to far from Sam. Okaro reluctantly moved to the seat and sat down with a "humph".

"Before we talk let me get us out of here." Sam said, simply receiving a nod from Okaro.

Sam pushed a button here and there, then pulled on a handle that sent the ship airborne, then he pushed a few keys and entered some information into the monitor that seemed to display their destination. After that the ship slowly turned to face the massive exit into the outside, zooming out of the docking bay. Finally the shipped turned upward and shot into space.

"Alright," Sam turned enough in his chair to be comfortable while looking at Okaro, "so you want to know where I'm from?"

"Isn't that what I just said?"

"Yes." Okaro didn't turn his chair and didn't turn to face Sam either, trying to keep the idea that he wasn't looking for a friend.

"Well that's a difficult question to answer. By technicality I'm from Okara, but that's only if we're talking about me." This caught Okaro's attention.


"A clone? Yes. You are as well correct?" Although Okaro still didn't want to befriend Sam but he was genuinely interested, that being indicated by Okaro now looking at Sam.

"Yes, although I wasn't born on Okara."

"Oh? So you're a clone of different technology?" Sam's tone declared a belief of disbelief.

"No, I'm an Okaran clone. My... creator had a cloning machine." Sam sat back in his seat, apparently amazed by this story. "So you're from Okara, what about it?"

Sam seemed confused at first, but he shook that look after a moment, "As you know my name is Sam, Sam Engle. I'm a clone of Sam Engle from the world of Remnant."

"Remnant? Never heard of it." Okaro thought.

"Sam was well respected for his military background but that wasn't all, Sam was a part of an elite species on Remnant known as tetheran."

"Tetheran?" Okaro took a look over of Sam, "You look like a human to me."

"Well to me you look like a human as well, but you're a saiyan right?" Okaro was surprised that Sam already knew that, and gave Sam a nod in response.

"A tetheran is similar to a human but has more capabilities then that of a human. A human can be known to live around 100 years, a tetheran can live to be 500 years old. Tetheran possess much more speed and strength than a human, albeit not on the level of a saiyan such as yourself. That's the basics."

"Interesting." Okaro was doing his best to take all of that in.

"Anyway, there's more to it than that but it seems that we've arrived." Okaro looked out the windshield of the ship to see a planet that was almost a solid grey with what looked like cities placed across the surface. "They call it Batmos."

Hey everyone! I'm back and with a brand new chapter! If you're reading this you already know this lol. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. We're already ten plus chapters in and I know that almost the entire story has been nothing but information and talk. I promise action is ahead for our hero Okaro.

I'd like to give a shout out to my friend Sam who has written a fan fiction himself about the world of RWBY. If you're a fan of RWBY I promise that you'll love his story. Its in and its known as the Forsaken Chronicles.

I'd also like to give some love to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1.ntion a user

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