Batmos Pt. 2

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Araime slowly looked around to make sure he wasn't being followed, raised his hood over his head, and walked into the store. The store used to be a convenient store back before Araime's time, back when his parents were still young. He could remember his parents telling him stories about the store, about how the store was the cheapest place to go in town.

When Araime looked upon the abandoned store he could see its age, dust and cobwebs littered the room. There weren't any actual objects in the store, Araime would've imagined that anything that was valuable was stolen not too long after the store had closed down. When he glanced at the check out desk he could still see where he had ran a finger through a layer of dust.

Once before, back before he met Qeeshal, he had come here off of hearing about the black market. Araime didn't want to come here then, but he had no choice. For all his life he had been on his own, and the market was his best chance of survival. Now it had been 10 Long years since he last came here, however from the gossip he had picked up on he was sure that the market was still here.

Araime walked over to the back of the store and glanced down to the floor to see the same old rug. He bent down and pushed away the rug, revealing a hidden door. After simply tugging on the handle Araime pushed the door over to reveal a stairway. He took one last look around to make sure no one had followed him. Truthfully he had nothing to worry about, the government knew about the market but simply chose to do nothing about it. After only taking one step he heard a muffled voice.

"Come down here slowly with your hands raised above your head." As he had done many times before Araime slowly made his way down the steps with his hands above his head. When he made his way down the steps he could see what really hadn't changed all that much. There were four men that resembled militia with bandanas secured around their mouths. Behind them Araime could see burrowed tunnels that had shops lined up for miles, which reminded him that although he had been down here before Araime had never seen any space pirates down here.

The one militia that looked the biggest approached Araime and ripped the hood off of his head, causing Araime to feel uncomfortable.

"Is there a problem?" The last thing that Araime needed was to get into trouble with these guys.

"No. Just startled me a little." Although the man didn't seem to want to believe Araime he backed up and motioned for Araime to move forward. After taking a few steps another militia stood in front of Araime and pulled out a device to scan Araime for weapons. After stopping once to take notice of a knife that Araime had brought with him for protection the militia stepped to the side and motioned with a nod for Araime to advance into the market. Araime nodded back and quickly walked to get this over with.


After paying a vender worker Araime discovered that the space pirates were located at the end of one of the tunnel entrances and sure enough he was right. There were two men, much more bigger in pure size, standing at an entrance that was hidden by a simple curtain. Araime knew he was working with pirates but he had expected something a little more formal than this.

Araime approached one of the men. "May I speak with whoever is in charge?" The large man looked over to the large man who simply nodded in response.

"Follow me." The large man turned his back to Araime and entered the camp, Araime following. Once inside Araime took note of what he saw, it looked like military base in here. There were weapons and armor all over the place, some being worked on by pirated and some just laying baron. The were both men and women, Araime couldn't deny the beauty of the women either.

"Right through here." The large man took out what looked to be a key and unlocked the door, slowly opening it. Inside the room sat a man who wore a large mane of orange hair, dark blue skin, a white suit with black armor among the clothes.

Araime slowly made his way into the room, not getting any kind of reaction from the man. "Sir."

"Captain, actually." The man placed his pencil down on the table and looking up at Araime, the two locked eyes immediately. "You aren't a spy are you?"

"N-no, sir." Araime didn't want to say anymore then what was absolutely necessary, doing so could not only put his life at risk but his loved ones as well.

"Why don't you take a seat." The question came across more as a demand, which Araime easily obeyed. He took a seat that directly faced the captain, which was clearly a tactic to strike fear into whoever the captain was speaking with.

"Tell me, what brings you here?" Now the captain sounded more calm and kind, after all he wouldn't want to come across as a complete prune.

"W-well, you see. I was supposed to get pai-"

"Stop." The captain said in a calm tone, holding up a hand in order to further show his meaning. "I have no want to hear your story, I simply want to know what you want." The captain simply placed his hand back on top of the other and showed that he was ready to hear whatever Araime had to say.

Araime took a moment and paused. He really needed the help for his family, but if he asked for too much he could never pay it off completely. "Out with it, I'm a busy man!" This startled Araime, but he quickly regained himself.

"I think about... 1000 credits would do."

"Only 1000 credits, that I can do easily." Araime only said that out of quick thinking, there was no way that he could pay off such a loan.

The captain stood up and made his way to his desk, typing some information into the computer. "Alright," The captain turned to face Araime, "you'll be given the credits on your way out." Araime took that as his time to leave and chose to do so. "However, " Araime froze, "If we don't see that money in a months time the consequences will be severe." Araime simply nodded and walked out of the room, regretting what he had just done.

Part 2 of 3 is now complete! We're only one more chapter away from finishing this short arc, and I sure hope that you all are enjoying this so far. This is a new way I'm going about this but I really think this helps build onto the universe. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and are looking forward to more.

Shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, TheSpokenTruth1, and JaffaMaster786.


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