What Are We Fighting For? Pt.2

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Last time on Dragonball X we learned that Sam is actually working for Tarble! What are Tarbles plans? Why is Sam working for him? How will Okaro respond? Learn all that and more in this chapter!


"Tarble!" The whole gang split up in shock as Vegeta shouted from behind them. "Why are you here?" Vegeta asked walking down the steps he was previously standing on.

"Brother!" Tarble exclaimed, standing not to far from Vegeta and the others.

"Brother?!" The others exclaimed backing further away from Vegeta as he continued his way down the stairs.

As Vegeta stopped at the bottom of the stairs Tarble practically jumped his way over to confront his brother face to face. "It's nice to see you brother."


Okaro woke up stunned, "Brother!" He whispered.

"What was that?" Okaro looked around the room noticing that the room had mirrors for walls and the ceiling was made of something that resembled steel. The floor itself was simply dirt. He also noticed that he was tied up in a bundle of think wires that connected him to some sort of device. Then he heard that similar voice again but this time he heard someone clearing their throat. Okaro looked straight forward to see Tarble seated at a safe distance facing himself.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Okaro demanded wriggling around in his seat trying to get himself out of the restraint.

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you." Tarble said, crossing his arms and legs as he did.

"Fuck you." Okaro said, trying to power up and overpower the wires but when he did he felt the ki leave his body. After realizing this Okaro calmed down and looked over the large device that the wires were connected to.

"Built it myself. Well, I came up with the ideas for it." Tarble said, also gazing at the device Okaro's restraints were connected to.

Okaro looked over the device one last time then looked over at Tarble, "What exactly does the device do?"

"Simple, whenever you charge your ki the device, I personally like to call it the Saiyan Trap, absorbs it then turns it into electricity." Tarble looked back at Okaro and smirked. "I have to admit, you're by far the strongest person to be connected to it."

Okaro stayed quiet, trying to think things over. "First I need to know why they didn't kill me."

"Why didn't you kill me?" Okaro asked, keeping his gaze on the ground.

"Kill you? No you have it all wrong, I want to work with you." Tarble smiled, trying to come across as genuine.

"Work with me? You barely know me." Okaro said, puzzled even more now.

"Quite the contrary my friend. I've known about you ever since you stepped foot on Contak." Tarble paused to gauge Okaro's reaction, he definitely got one.

"How the hell do you know about that?!" Okaro exclaimed, powering up slightly but of course he lost the power to the device.

"Easy now. And I know more then just that, we've been tracking you for a long time. I know all about you hopping from planet to planet. Now why you do what you do and whatever it is you do where you go I know nothing of, but the power you possess is what I care about." Tarble got more excited by each word that he spoke.

"If you've known about me for so long then why haven't you ever approached me?" asked Okaro, having trouble believing all of this.

"I'm incredibly patient Okaro. Although I'll admit there have been a few other times where we made an attempt to meet you but everytime we would finally make our approach you would be long gone." Tarble calmed down during his long winded explanation this time.

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