Batmos Pt. 3

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Araime woke up to a faint sound in the background, after not hearing anything else he laid his head back down on his pillow. Then came a loud knocking sound, three consecutive knocks to be exact. This awoke his wife along as waking Araime up completely.

"Honey?" Araime could hear the fearfulness in his wife's tone.

"Don't worry, it's just someone from work." He placed his hand on her forehead in order to calm her.

"Okay, don't be too long." With that Qeeshal laid her head back down and was fast asleep.


After making sure that the kids were still asleep and putting on more appropriate clothing Araime approached the door, with a baseball bat in the hand someone from the other side wouldn't be able to see.

"About time." A voice spoke from the other side of the door. Araime figured it to be pointless to ask who was there and decided to just open the door.

On the outside stood one of the militia men from the market. "I've been sent from... they said you'd know who... to come and bring you to them."

More like been paid. Thought Araime, he also considered fighting this guy but he knew that could put hid family at risk. "Fine. Give me a min-"

"No. Just come with me." Araime took notice of the militia man gripping his assault rifle a little more tightly, apparently the man was also under stress from working with the pirates. That wouldn't really surprise Araime, the government could barely pay its employees anymore so most of it's people had to look elsewhere for money.

"Alright," Araime took a over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed, "I'll go with you."


The militia man didn't even escort Araime all the way to the pirate's den, but only to the burrow that led to it. When Araime arrived the two guards led him straight to a room that was even farther back then where their captain stayed, Araime often thought of running for his life but he didn't want to put family at risk. Now that he thought it over going to the space pirates put his family at risk in the first place, he had been so desperate.

The guard on Araime's left opened the door to the room and motioned with his right hand for Araime to enter the room, which he did so willingly. When Araime entered the room he saw a only a chair in the middle of the room. He could hear the door behind him slam shut and a lock could also be heard, Araime couldn't imagine what was coming next.

"Sit in the chair." A muffled voice came over an intercom in the room, "I can see every ounce of the room, don't try anything you'll regret Araime." Hearing his name come from a voice he didn't recognize, in a place that made him uneasy, definitely didn't do Araime any help. Without any delay Araime made his way to the chair and took a seat, closing his eyes to see memories of his family.

Then Araime heard a door open, and he could hear some footsteps. The sound of a chair being placed could be heard, then someone sat in it. "Hungry?"

Araime opened his eyes to the suddenness of the question. The man sitting in front of him didn't look like the other space pirates. He wore blue tights, white and brown armor, white gloves, white boots with brown ends, tan skin, and brown hair that spiked up to a center. A signature hair style that could be remembered by what looked like a widows peak, Araime couldn't really tell he was still tired. "I apologize where are my manners, I'm Tarble." :p

I know that this is a shorter chapter but most conclusions are. What did you all think of me poking fun with Tarble's introduction? More or so what on Earth (or Batmos) is going on? I'm not really sure but I'd keep reading  (writing in my case) to find out.

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