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"This is Scrolixiden, King of the Halh." said Sam, an arm stretched out pointing to the man who stood not too far from where Okaro and now stood themselves. Okaro noticed right off the bat that this man, although a king, looked nothing like the only king that Okaro had ever known. Scrolixiden was much thinner, shorter, and overall much less intimidating then King Plake. 

"It's nice to meet you... you are?" Scrolixiden stretched out an open hand for Okaro to take with his own, and Okaro took it.

"Okaro, and I'm honored to be in your presence. " Okaro shook the king's hand and dropped his own down back by his body. He was still feeling the effects of the flashback running through his head so he made sure to leverage himself by raising his power slightly. Back when the flashbacks first started Okaro couldn't stand for a few days and Sareth would have to take care of him. Finally, after collapsing in the training room he decided to fight back and that's when he realized that he could withstand the pain if he raised his power. Okaro was still vulnerable however, so he had to be sure to watch himself. 

"Now I'm sure that we have plenty to talk about so why don't we discuss all of this in my work study?" asked Scrolixiden, glancing at Sam to indicate that he was the leader. That of course upset Okaro but he decided to let it go, still trying to keep himself upright.

Sam looked over at Okaro who nodded then back to Scrolixiden, "Sounds good to us."


Scrolixiden led Okaro and Sam into a dimly lit room that had book shelves for walls and a fireplace centered on the back wall. The king himself sat at a large desk that seemed to be loaded down with paper work of his own, then he had a servant bring out two chairs for Okaro and Sam. 

"Thank you." Sam said, taking a seat in the chair brought to him. Okaro also sat but without any sign of gratitude which caused Sam to glare at him.

"What?" Okaro asked who noticed the glare coming from his comrade, then looked around the room until he eyed the chair he sat in. "Oh! Thank you!" Okaro wasn't stupid, he had heard Sam say thank you for his chair and Okaro just honestly didn't feel like a thanks was necessary. If anyone was owed a thanks the servant was, seeing that he was the one who brought out the chairs. However, Okaro also respected that Sam knew much more about this place then he did. 

Scrolixiden chuckled and waved a hand towards Okaro. "It's fine Okaro, there's different ways of how to behave. You simply take the more friendly route. Makes you more approachable." Okaro then came to the realization that maybe acting like Sam wasn't such a bad thing. 

"Indeed there are two different ways to act, but that isn't what brought us here." Sam said, catching a smirk from Okaro. Okaro was starting to realize that maybe this Sam character was more like himself then he had previously thought. 

"That is correct. It seems that our friends are more active than ever before." Scrolixiden handed Sam a few pictures that had been sitting on his work desk. 

Sam moved in his seat so that Okaro could view the pictures with him. The pictures all showed a similar scene, an underground market that seemed to be a little more packed full of people than normal. "What exactly am I looking at?" Sam asked, looking from the pictures to Scrolixiden then back to the pictures again. 

"That is the underground black market here in our city." 

Okaro shot his glance at the king. "Wait, you sound as if you've known about this for a long time." Okaro felt that same feeling that he had when King Plake betrayed him, why would someone be willing to let people throw their lives away. Okaro figured the reason behind allowing such a thing had to be a selfish act. 

"That's because I have," Scrolixiden crossed his legs and leaned back in his own chair to find relaxation, "The underground black market has been on going back before my time." Scrolixiden looked down at the floor, not wanting to meet the hateful glare that Okaro now wore. 

"Don't you realize the kind of attention something like this attracts?! And what that does to your people?!" Okaro was standing now, letting ki flow around him. He couldn't believe he had once again come across royalty that put themselves first. Why did they want to lead when all they did was lead their people straight into the ground?

Sam pulled Okaro back by the shoulder. "Okaro, now is not the time for something like this." Sam was supremely calm, trying his best to cancel out this outburst. He had dealt with something like this before, but he didn't know if he could handle someone like Okaro.

"I understand your anger, I felt the same way when my father finally informed me of it." Scrolixiden remained surprisingly calm, not having flinched at all during the outburst.

Okaro ignored Sam shrugging his hand off of his shoulder and took a step towards Scrolixiden. "Don't you realize that I could kill you in a single blow?!" Okaro exclaimed, his ki beginning to lose control. 

"If you were going to kill me you would've done it by now. And besides, you're too kind-hearted to kill someone like myself." Scrolixiden spoke right through Okaro, bringing the cloned saiyan out of his rage and back to his normal state. Okaro didn't lower his ki too much though, not wanting to collapse in front of the king. 

Sam stood in front of Okaro in order for his comrade to cool down. "If you could point us in the right direction we'll begin dealing with this problem." 

"What? I need an expla-"

Sam quickly slammed Okaro's mouth shut with his right and and whispered into Okaro's ear. "Ill inform you later." Okaro gave Sam a hateful glare but remained silent, so Sam let go of Okaro and returned his glance to Scrolixiden. 

"Here." Scrolixiden gave another photo to Sam, this one showing a man who appeared to be heading towards an abandoned shop. "This man has been missing for nearly a month, his address is on the back of that picture." 

Sam looked at the photo one last time before putting the picture away into his pocket. "Thank you." Sam bowed slightly then turned to Okaro.

"Thank you." Okaro bowed reluctantly, not really wanting to do any it. He couldn't believe that he was right about another man from royalty. No matter where Okaro went he always found someone who was obsessed with power. 


There we go! Another chapter in the books ladies and gentlemen. Trust me, I know that for a Dragon Ball fanfiction there has been close to no action in a long time. Do not worry, I promise there will be action in just a few chapters. Once we get past this job the rest of the book will begin to move very quickly. That doesn't mean the book is almost over however, its really hard for me to say how long this book will be. None the less I do hop that you enjoyed the chapter and are excited for what is to come. 

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