The Birthday

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(Tennessee House)

Bella's POV.

Over the summer, Klaus has dragged me and Stefan on a road trip to find werewolf's, and were having absolutely no luck. And besides searching for werewolf's, Stefan is having a hard time pretending to be a rippah and helping me not become one as nearly every time I get within a touching distance of human blood, I want to drain them dry.

A few days ago Klaus had finally found a lead on someone named Ray Sutton who lives in Tennessee, so right now we are at his last known Residence. Me and Klaus are hiding behind some trees as we wait to make our move, and we see a woman walk outside the residence from the kitchen door.

"Rudy!" The woman shouts and then whistle's "Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you" She shouts and bends gown and picks up a toy. When she turns around, me and Klaus suddenly appear in front of her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" Klaus tells her in an American accent as he holds my hand, weird.

"Can I help you?" She asks the both of us, as she takes a step back.

"Yeah, our car hmm, our car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. Eh we feel like we've been walking forever yours is the first house we've come to so we were just hoping we could use your phone?" Klaus asks her, and she looks at us wary.

"Don't you have a cell phone?" She asks us, and I look at Klaus for an answer, but he seems lost of words, shocker.

"Yeah..." I trail off as I pull Klaus' phone out of his back trousers pocket and show it to her "Battery died, and I forgot mine at our apartment" I tell her as I link my arms with Klaus' and lean my head on his shoulder, but she doesn't seem convinced.

"Look, I promise we're not serial killer's we just wanna use your phone" Klaus tells her, but only serial killers say they aren't serial killers so he's just blown our cover, thanks Klaus.

"Sure" The woman Sighs as she enters her house.

"Soo, we can come in?" Klaus asks her, and she turns around to face us as we stand on the porch.

"No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you" She tells us, and I look up at Klaus and he looks like he's getting annoyed. Great, you just had to push his buttons.

"I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting" Klaus says to her in an annoyed tone.

"I'm from Florida" The woman says as she stands slightly over the house barrier.

"Well, that explains it" Klaus says and he grabs her throat and compels her "Now show me and my friend a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea" Klaus compels her.

"Come in" She tells us wih a shaky voice, and I give her a polite/ fake smile.

"Aww, how nice of you" I say to her, and me and Klaus walk in.

Me and Klaus walk into the kitchen, and Klaus still has his hand around the woman's throat. We look further into the kitchen, and see another woman frying food and walks over to the counter with the frying pan.

"I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning" The other woman says, and she turns around and is shocked to see us standing there "What's going on?" She asks us as she looks at the woman Klaus is holding and she's sobbing.

"Please don't be alarmed. I was told Ray Sutton lives here" Klaus says to her.

"He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly" The other woman tells him as she doesn't loose eye contact with her friend.

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