Chapter 3

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Natasha p.o.v

when we arrive, i quickly jump from the quinjet and landed perfectly in ground--and then i see like 5 guards are running toward me but, i quickly shot them with my widow's bite--they are screaming in pain. After that i shoot every cctvs they have--when i got in i see a cell that is different from the others--slowly i approach the cell and i realise it's Wanda,

it 's so sad to see her like in this condition and it is all my fault, why did i took Stark's side than Steve's. She's in tight strapped chair and electric collar--and her hand is cuffed with electric too. i start running toward her and i whisper in slowly "Wanda, wake up it's me" still no respond " Wanda,please it's Natasha--i'm sorry" i say with a crack tone,

"Natasha,it's that really you?" "yeah, i'm come back--stay back i'm gonna make a hole" i say and she nods.i use my lasers and make a hole.a big one. Quickly i got in and i shot all of the cuffs and i hear footsteps," Wanda--i need you to calm down okay?-- i come will come back. if you need anything i will be at the dark corner over there" i say while i'm pointing the corner, "no--please don't leave me" " i wouldn't okay?, just trust me on this".

Steve p.o.v

Now, me and T'Challa in quinjet-- i am so nervous 'cause this is the first time i don't have any shield to protect me again. "Captain, we're approaching the prison" the King
says, " i'm ready" i say.

Soon, one of the T'Challa men landed the quinjet and i quickly get out from the quinjet and i see at least 5 men. All dead. "we must be carefull Captain--we're not alone" T'Challa says

and i nod, slowly we get in one of the control room--from that we see all the guards are all dead too and i walk slowly into the computers and all of the cctvs are all off too,"who ever did this--it must be professional,we gotta more carefull" i say to the King.

When we get out from the control room--we see three cells and in there is Sam,Clint,and Scott-- i quickly run toward them--and i check on Sam first, "i knew you would come" he says with a smirk "well,guess you were right" after that me and T'Challa make a big hole to get them out.Soon, i realise the only one missing is Wanda. where is she?. "where's Wanda?" i ask them, Clint replies " they took her, we don't know--but i heard they took her to a diffrent cell".

i let out a sigh "okay, now me and Clint will go find her--the rest of you go with T'Challa" i say with a command tone, "wait, now catman on our side" Sam says, "get your manner Sam" i say

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