Chapter 21

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Natasha p.o.v

Steve seem a bit shock, beacuse he knows that i didn't share my past with anyone

"Back when i was in Russia, all the other girls including me were in train, and suddenly came this guy, the one who always told us what to do"

"He's said that they have a new trainer, but they didn't say his name. We were gathered and saw Him, standing there, all black and metal arm"

Steve keep focusing my story but when i mention James or he called Bucky he was freeze

"Bucky" he's said,"but What's that got to do with you?"

I let out a sigh,"he was my tranier"

Steve make "o" shape mouth with shock face

" i know it's already late to tell you but, i just want you to know"

"Why are you telling me this now? Why not when i was looking for him?"

I can see Steve was disapointed with me, because i didn't tell him long ago

" i don't know it was him, Steve. I know it when Nick was shot, i recognize his bullet"

"But how? I mean, how Bucky can in Russia?"

"All i know is that HYDRA and Red Room was cooperate"

I make a guilty face for not knowing why Bucky can be in Russia

" i'm gonna tell you a story that only 5 person in this world only know. And i need you to trust me and relax"

"You know i always trust you right?"

"I know, but i think this might be a little wierd to you"

I gave him an assure smile and he's nod

" while in training, me and Jam-- i mean Bucky, we kinda sort of have a love experience"

"We were so close that day, until one day i asked his name. And he told me to call him James"

Steve were very focus from what i said, it's kinda he was very curious about me and James

"I know it's wierd or odd to you but this is really happening, okay?"

" i know, Nat, just continue"

"Okay" i took a deep breath again,

"One day, we were dancing, ballet, we danced with same rhytm and--"

"Wait, you can ballet?, how can i didn't know about this?" Steve ask me

"Yea, a lot of things you didn't know about me" i said

"Anyway, that night he takes us to the roof and he takes my hand to his and said i was different, and i was talented and not deserve to be treated like this. We stared for a while and i didn't even know what he's mean and i still trying to process what he meant, and suddenly he's said i love you,Natalia"


Sorry for long update, i just want to tell you guys that i've been published a new Romanogers story, please read and vote, Thank you :)

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